Saturday, January 4, 2025


Did you know that eating a half cup of blueberries a day will give you approximately 20% of your daily requirement for Vitamin K.  Vitamin K helps to keep bones healthy and strong.  And the little blueberry is full of other great nutrition, too.  If you have osteoporosis or other bone problems, or you just want to work to prevent them, eat some blueberries several times a week, if not daily.

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Friday, January 3, 2025


Studies have shown that the high concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil seem to protect against joint inflammation.  The participants in one study who consumed approximately 3 tablespoons of olive oil a day lessened their chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis by 60%.  If you suffer from RA, it might be worth it for you to add more olive oil to your diet.  Beware though that olive oil can be high in calories so use as a replacement for butter, etc. Don't be afraid of olive oil because of the fat content. Olive oil contains healthy fats your body needs.


Thursday, January 2, 2025


Studies show that your mother was right!  Eating soup can reduce inflammation and help clear away mucous therefore easing the symptoms of colds and upper respiratory tract infections.  And, yes, when you don't feel well, you may not want to make homemade soup.  That is okay, too.  As we the public have become more attuned to how the foods we eat affect our bodies, the food manufacturers have come up with ways to keep our business!  After all, if they don't have us the consumers, they have no business!  You can now find soups with lower fat, lower sodium, organic, etc on the grocer's shelves.  Just be sure to read the labels!  And did you know you can also find soup in the freezer section?  The plus for frozen soups is that they usually contain much less sodium since they don't need it as a preservative.  Next time you are grocery shopping, check out the soups and purchase one or two to have on hand when needed. Broth based soups are better for this than rich creamy soups.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Calories - what an ugly word. But remember, calories do count whether you count them or not. The only way to lose weight, and most diabetics should (me included!), is to use up more calories than you take it in. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It is simple, we just don't like doing it!!

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