Saturday, August 31, 2024


Just this morning, I was reminded of this old post. My son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and her boyfriend went out for breakfast. Most of us couldn't finish our meal and someone remarked it didn't look like that much food when they brought it out. I said, "Look at the size of the plates". Everyone then noticed how large the plates were. Plate size is very important to the meal.

I have talked about this before on this blog but it has been a few years so I am going to repeat, "Studies have shown that cutting your dinner plate from 12-inches to 9-inches can cut portion sizes in half". This is one of the easiest ways to cut back on calories without feeling hungry. Would you believe that simply by eating off a luncheon size plate instead of a dinner plate can cut around 231 calories per meal? What an easy way to 'diet'!

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Friday, August 30, 2024


This is a recipe from my diabetic blog but it is good for almost everyone. Why not give this a try to eliminate salt and sugar from your seasoning mix?


Here is a great seasoning mix you can make at home without using any salt or sugar products.  Add this to chicken, fish, or meats before grilling, baking, etc.

1/2 tsp rosemary
1 tsp sage
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp basil
1/2 cup cracked black pepper

Note: All this spices are from your spice rack, not fresh.

Combine the above ingredients and store in a zip-top plastic storage bag or an airtight container.

Yield: about a half cup of seasoning.

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Thursday, August 29, 2024


Yes, what you eat can strengthen your joints and lower your risk of developing arthritis. A study at the University of North Carolina found that people who eat lots of selenium were 38% less likely than others to ever develop arthritis. Both fish and whole grains are top sources of selenium so double your intake with a tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread.

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., reminds us that fish is also an excellent source of the powerful natural anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids that can help slow down joint damage in those already diagnosed with arthritis.

Recommendation: Two servings of whole-grain bread daily and 12-oz of fish weekly.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I do not recommend going overboard on this, but maybe it's a good idea to keep some fresh rosemary around.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


According to the journal Food and Function, you can protect your eyes as you age by eating a few handfuls of grapes every day. It was found that study subjects who consumed freeze-dried grape powder daily for 16 weeks, saw a significant increase in antioxidants that protect eyes against cellular damage. The grape powder they consumed was equivalent to 1 1/2 cups of grapes. They did not distinguish which grapes but pictured different grapes.


How exciting, another excuse to eat chocolate. Scientists actually suggest eating half a square of dark chocolate before getting on the treadmill or tackling anything requiring physical exertion. YEAH! But you did note that is 1/2 square not a chocolate bar! A study conducted at the University of California at San Diego suggests this could give you strength to go 50% longer than you normally would. Scientists say the health-revving flavonoid in dark chocolate binds to receptors in muscles and prevents fatigue. Why not go for it and give it a try?
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Monday, August 26, 2024


Diabetics are constantly told to eat lots of vegetables. However, not all vegetables are equal. I think most diabetics know that potatoes are not the best vegetable for their diet. Potatoes do contain some potassium, vitamin C, and iron which are all good for you. But potatoes are mostly starch which diabetics should avoid. If you are like me and love your potatoes, there are still ways to enjoy them. Eat them with a good protein item, eat a small amount, and eat the skins when possible. The skins are full of both soluble and insoluble fiber which is helpful for the diabetic diet. And don't eat potatoes every day. Make them a once-in-awhile treat.

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Sunday, August 25, 2024


Some studies have shown that taking 500 mg of vitamin C daily could cut your risk of developing arthritis by 25%. Dr. Theodosakis, a preventive medicine expert at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, explained that vitamin C mops up free radicals before they can damage joint tissue. He stated, "Plus, it activates the enzymes that build healthy new joint cartilage." If you want to improve your chances of avoiding arthritis, talk to your doctor about taking vitamin C. I said to talk to your doctor because you should never start taking supplements without consulting your doctor first.

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Saturday, August 24, 2024


If you are experiencing anxiety, you might want to sip a cup of chamomile tea. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, sipping chamomile tea can cut anxiety levels by 50%.

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Friday, August 23, 2024


Have you ever connected eating onions with improving your brain? While that may seem like a strange connection, Egyptian scientists say eating 1/3 cup of red onions daily, could fast track the growth of healthy new brain neurons. They say that could banish brain fog and sharpen memory in as little as one month. These scientists credit the flavonoids in the red onions, saying they relax and open arteries thus improving the flow of blood to the brain.

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Have you ever been told you shouldn't eat close to bedtime if you are trying to lose weight? The theory is that your metabolism slows down when you are sleeping making it harder for you to lose weight than if you had eaten the same foods earlier. According to Donna L. Weihofen, MS, RD, health nutritionist at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, "Calories count whether you eat them in the morning or at night." She goes on to say, "The problem with nighttime eaters is that they are usually eating far more calories than they think, and the calories are denser."

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Thursday, August 22, 2024


Do you remember the old saying, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."? There may be some truth to that. British researchers questioned around 1,100 adults about their bedtime/sleep habits and found that those who go to bed early and get up early are happier and calmer than those who go to bed late and hit the snooze button.

Late bedtimes reduce the quality of your sleep because they throw off your internal body clock. This prevents you from getting into the deeper stages of sleep that allow you to feel fully rested, according to the study author Jorge Huber, Ph.D. He suggests moving your bedtime to as little as 30 minutes earlier can make a difference.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Dr. Gervaise Gerstner, a NY dermatologist says a poor diet can make your hair brittle and lose its healthy sheen and luster. She continues to explain those are signs that you may not be getting enough protein and healthy fats in your diet. She suggests eating these four foods for healthy hair: salmon, almonds, olive oil, and avocado.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Is spinach a part of your diet? You will find more than one post on here extolling the benefits of spinach. Here are some reminders or perhaps new information about the benefits of the leafy green. Whether you put spinach in your smoothies, salads, casseroles, or just sauté it as a vegetable for meals, you should include it in your diet regularly. For diabetics, like me, spinach help the body break down stored glucose. This is attributed to its richness of vitamin B-6. Spinach greens are also rich in quercetin, an antioxidant which is believed to cut down on inflammation and to boost immunity. If you don't like spinach, try adding a small amount to soups, casseroles, salads, etc.

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According to doctors and scientists, the average adult should not consume more than 1,500 mg of sodium (salt) per day. Approximately 75% of the salt in the average American diet is consumed through processed foods. If you haven't already, start reducing the amount of processed foods in your diet and replacing them with fresh whole foods. This is especially important for those who have high blood pressure (hypertension).

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Monday, August 19, 2024


 Huh? I'm old enough to remember when they told us to stay away from eggs. Now, they tell us eggs, especially the yolks are good for the brain! Egg yolks are rich in natural sources of choline. Choline is an essential building block of acetylcholine. What that big word means is that it is a neurotransmitter that brain cells use to communicate with each other. The researchers at Arizona State University, where we got this information, did a study that suggests eating just two eggs a day can help one think more clearly, concentrate longer and multitask more easily. So, go ahead and enjoy eggs.

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Need more vitamin C? Enjoy a cup of watermelon. One cup of watermelon will provide you with more than 20% of your daily vitamin C requirement and the best part it that it's less than 50 calories.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Honey can pinch hit when you don't have a first-aid kit handy. Honey has natural healing powers that come from natural enzymes that produce hydrogen peroxide. You can apply a little honey to stings and cuts to halt the inflammation and to prevent bacterial growth. Now that is truly a kitchen remedy.

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Saturday, August 17, 2024


Are you familiar with the ancient grain quinoa? If you haven't tried it, you probably should, especially if you have high triglycerides. Quinoa (Pronounced key-wah) is a nutritional powerhouse. It is packed with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is loaded with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which are good fats that lower triglycerides! If quinoa isn't currently a part of your diet, try adding it. This is especially important if your doctor has told you your triglycerides are high.

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Chocoholics rejoice! According to The Journal of Nutrition dark chocolate is an edible sunscreen. They say eating a half-bar of dark chocolate a day can protect the skin from sun damage. Note: That is only dark chocolate so don't take a box of chocolates with you to the beach. That would be hard on your bikini figure anyway!


Friday, August 16, 2024


You may not be surprised by this, but I was. A spoonful (size of spoon not mentioned) of peanut butter may actually ease stress and even improve memory. Before you call me crazy or out to fool you, this information comes from scientists in the Journal of Functional Foods. Said scientists conducted a study where participants consumed a handful of peanuts with skin, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or a placebo daily. After six months, the participants who ate peanuts or peanut butter had a notable improvement in memory and were 67% less likely to feel anxious. This is a scientific study so the scientists credit lignans found in peanuts. Lignas are fiber-rich compounds that reduce inflammation and feed healthy gut bacteria that make mood-enhancing hormones like serotonin. If you have trouble remembering where you put your keys, etc or find yourself feeling down, try some peanuts or peanut butter.

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Omega-3s are very important to our health and one way to get them is to eat walnuts. 1/4 cup of walnuts provides 113% of the suggested daily dose of omega-3s for an adult. This is especially important to people like me who don't eat fish. Make a habit of tossing some walnuts into your baked goods, adding them to salads, or just enjoy some as a quick snack.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024


I think we all know Vitamin C is important to our immunity. Most of us have probably been told since childhood to drink orange juice, etc to fight colds and various other maladies. It is true that Vitamin C plays an important role in immunity but there are others we should consider, too. Researchers in the journal Food Science & Nutrition, found that folic acid, potassium and calcium are also important immunity boosters. Their findings found that citrus fruits, papayas, and kiwis strengthen immune cell response and antiviral activity.  They found that amino acid-rich milk and yogurt enhance the function of virus-fighting white blood cells and T cells. This could be good information to remember when we get into cold and flu season, although we should probably consider this in our everyday diet.

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According to a Tufts University study, one cup of blueberries a day improves coordination and may reverse memory loss. Toss some blueberries on your morning cereal, use as a topping on ice cream or pound cake, use in a fruit salad, toss into a smoothie, the possibilities are endless.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024


According to Dr. Pamela Peeke, author of the NYT bestselling book The Hunger Fix, "After the age of 50, the goal is to prevent disease by maintaining an optimally healthy and active mind and body." She goes on to suggest that as we age our nutritional needs change and we should be including high fiber foods in our diets for a strong body and a sharp mind if we are over 50. As our gastrointestinal systems slow down we need to increase the fiber in our diets. Some of her suggestions for fiber-rich foods are raspberries with 8 grams per cup, whole-wheat pasta with over 6 grams per cup, lentils are high with over 15 grams per cup, green peas have almost 9 grams per cup, etc. Over all she suggests we eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. Read the nutritional labels on foods you buy to check the fiber grams.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Foods with a GI (Gylcemic Index) of 15 and under are considered so low they don't have a negative effect on blood sugar. Here are a few examples of foods that don't really affect blood sugar:

  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Leafy greens
  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Avocado
  • Nuts, including almonds, walnuts, etc
  • Herbs
  • Eggs
  • Butter and Cheese
  • Oils such as olive, coconut, canola

Monday, August 12, 2024


A previous post talked about the need for omega-3s as brain food to help with short term memory. Here are some fish and the amounts of omega-3s you can get from them.

Wild-caught Pacific Sardines = 600% of your daily omega-3 needs or 1,500 mg per 3.5-ounces.
Wild-caught Alaska Salmon = 560% of your daily omega-3 needs or 1,400 mg per 3.5-ounces.
U.S. farmed or wild caught Striped Bass = 320% of your daily omega-3 needs or 800 mg per 3.5 ounces.
U.S. farmed Rainbow Trout = 240% of your daily omega-3 needs or 600 mg per 3.5-ounces.

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Sunday, August 11, 2024


If you have trouble getting to sleep at night you might want to try some warm milk. Sometimes we think these ideas are old wives tales but there is a valid reason warm milk induces sleep. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that the body converts to melatonin  and serotonin. Melatonin induces sleep and serotonin calms the brain. So go ahead and have some warm milk before bedtime it really may help you get to sleep.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Are you one of those people who can't remember where you put your glasses, keys, etc? As we age, it is a fact that our brains shrink and unfortunately a smaller brain just doesn't work as well as we would like. Neurologist Majid T. Fotuhi, M.D., author of Boost Your Brain: The New Art and Science Behind Enhanced Brain Performance, says not to worry. He says the brain has the remarkable ability to keep growing at any age. But here is the catch - you have to have the right health habits if you want your brain to grow.

Based on his 25 years' experience teaching and doing research at Johns Hopkins and Harvard Medical School, Dr. Fotuhi says there are ways to significantly improve the performance of our hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for our short-term memory. And guess what the first one is? You guessed it - get moving! Don't become a couch potato and let your brain keep shrinking

According to Dr. Fotuhi, "When you're working out to the point of breaking a sweat, you're actually growing new brain cells in your hippocampus." He says he knows that is mind-boggling but that there is solid science behind it. Below is what Dr. Fotuhi recommends to see significant brain benefits:

30 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity like jogging and 15 minutes of strength straining, such as lifting hand weights or doing squats and pushups, four times a week.

How about this for an incentive? Those who have a bigger hippocampus are less likely to get Alzheimer's disease.  So, eat healthy and exercise for better memory.

Friday, August 9, 2024


My late husband was an invalid due mostly to COPD, so I was always looking for ways to help him breathe easier. As his disease advanced there are still small ways to help him. I had always blamed years of smoking for his disease, which is true, but I never really considered his diet. I discovered that diets high in processed foods can impair the lungs. My husband had always preferred processed foods over fruits and vegetables and changing his mind at age 74 was not easy. Diets that lean heavily on fruits and vegetables not only reduce the risks of COPD but can improve the respiratory system in those who have it. I worked on this with my husband which did make his breathing easier, and I hope this information will help you eat to protect your lungs.

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Thursday, August 8, 2024


Can you believe it? Studies have shown that people who eat a serving of almonds at least twice a week are less likely to gain weight! Almonds are high in calories so eat no more a small handful a day. There are various types of almonds available, but you should stick to the whole roasted ones and avoid the candy-coated ones! Here are more benefits of almonds:

  • Almonds are also high in vitamin E, an antioxidant that fights the effects of the sun.
  • Almonds are high in monounsaturated "good" fats that help to lower cholesterol. When you add almonds to your healthy, low-fat diet, you can reduce your chances of heart disease by 30% to 45%. Stay away from salted almonds though as salt may raise your blood pressure.
  • Almonds are a quick source of protein. 1/4 cup of almonds provides as much protein as an egg.
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Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Some people who are allergic or sensitive to certain pollens may also be sensitive to some foods. In some people, eating fruits and vegetables and some tree nuts can cause reactions such as swollen lips, itchy mouth, or scratchy throat. This is known as oral allergy syndrome and affects at least a third of all allergy sufferers.  According to Dr. James Sublett of Family Allergy and Asthma in Louisville, Kentucky, "Produce and pollen contain similar proteins. Sometimes the immune system can't tell the difference."

If you think you have this problem, see an allergist. Shots or prescription meds may take care of the problem. And notice above it says raw fruits, etc. Cooking eliminates the problem.

Here are a few examples:

Allergic to Ragweed - You may have a problem with bananas, cucumbers, melons, kiwi, zucchini.

Allergic to Birch - You may have a problem with apples, almonds, carrots, celery, cherries, hazelnuts, kiwi, peaches, pears, and plums.

Allergic to Grass - You may have a problem with celery, melons, oranges, peaches, tomatoes.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2024


As I have stated in previous posts, I am not a medical professional. I do, however, get the information I post from medical literature. When one has been diagnosed with cancer, they will go through further testing for their medical team to have a better understanding of the cancer. The following is a brief explanation of the most common testing and why it is necessary for the medical team.

  • Imaging tests including CT and PET scans and tests to look at tissue under a microscope such as biopsies. This type of testing gives better information about the cancer and what stage it is in.
Why is the stage of cancer important to the patient and their medical team?  Staging is just a way to describe the following:
  • The size of the tumor
  • Whether the cancer has spread and if so, how far it has spread
  • How quickly the cancer is growing
  • Whether the cancer cells have certain changes, called mutations, that make them easier for medicine to target. Such changes can be found through tumor testing, also called biomarker testing.
This is a brief explanation. When one is diagnosed with cancer, it is important to have a good relationship with the medical team and feel comfortable to ask them questions.

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Monday, August 5, 2024


If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, ask the doctor which type of cancer you have. There are two main types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (your doctor may use the tern NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer. NSCLC is the most common and it has subtypes, listed below.

  • Adenocarcinoma starts in cells that make mucus. It is usually found in the outer parts of the lungs, often before it has spread to other parts of the body. This is the most common subtype.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma starts in cells that line the airways. It is usually found in the middle of the lung by the bronchi.
  • Large cell carcinoma can form in any part of the lung. It is usually the one to grow most quickly.
Again, I want to stress the importance of early detection. Head to the doctor at the first signs of trouble.

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Sunday, August 4, 2024


Most cancers spread in basically the same way, but we are currently talking about lung cancer. Let me stress that with any cancer early detection is the key to treatment and survival. Do not put off going to the doctor because it might be cancer! If it is cancer, the sooner you know the better your chances of survival. I am a survivor of both breast and colon cancers. Both times my life was saved by early detection.

The following describes in simple terms how the cancer spreads. This will explain the reason early detection is so important.

  • Cancer cells grow into nearby tissue.
  • Cancer cells break off from your original (lung) tumor and get into your bloodstream or lymph vessels.
Lymph vessels are like blood vessels, but instead of blood they carry lymph fluid which is an important part of the immune system. Cancer cells can spread through your lymph vessels and bloodstream to your lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are organs that create and store cells to fight infection. Sometimes this takes place before there are symptoms or the cancer can be seen on an exray.

Again, early detection is very important, as you can see by the above. If you have the slightest suspicion, see your doctor. If there is no cancer, you will feel relieved and your doctor will be happy for you.

Saturday, August 3, 2024



The answer to the title question is simple. Lung cancer is cancer in the lungs. But you may wonder just what is happening in the lungs to develop lung cancer. Since lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in the United States and cancer is the number two cause of deaths in the United States, I thought to make a few posts about the lungs and lung cancer. We will start with the basics; lung cancer happens when cells in the lungs grow out of control.

Normally, new cells grow and divide as the body needs them but die when they are old or damaged. But if you have lung cancer, new cells form when your body doesn't need them. These extra cells build up and form into a tumor.  That is a very basic fact as I am not a medical person to go into further detail. 

Many wonder what causes lung cancer, and there are many reasons. Most think those who have lung cancer developed it because of smoking. That is a leading reason, but not the only one. Other causes are exposure to radon gas, secondhand smoke or other chemicals. One can also inherit a higher risk of cancer.

Smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer, but it is not the only one.
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Friday, August 2, 2024


Have you ever stopped to think about your lungs and how they work? Honestly, until later in life, I never had. Then my late husband was diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and my daughter became an RRT (Register Respiratory Therapist). At that point lungs came into my focus. It is easy to go about life, breathing easy, and never thinking about those breaths. But once the lungs are damaged and not working properly, life becomes complicated as breathing becomes difficult. My advice to you is this, please take care of your lungs. There is a picture below looking inside the lungs. After the picture, you will find information about the numbers.

1. As you breathe in, air flows into your body through your trachea, better known as your windpipe.

2. The air travels to your lungs through two small tubes (Bronchi), which branch into small tubes          (bronchioles).

3. Tiny air sacs (alveoli) sit at the ends of bronchioles. They fill with oxygen and move it to your bloodstream so it can get to your cells.

4. After cells use oxygen, the waste (better known as carbon dioxide) returns to your alveoli and you breathe it out.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical person in any way, so this is a simple explanation. I got this information from material in my oncologist's office. The material was in partnership with the American Lung Association. I would never attempt to explain medical matters using my own knowledge.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Receiving a cancer diagnosis of any type can be daunting. I understand that as I have received a cancer diagnosis three separate times. It is important to stay calm and get your information from your doctor, not well-meaning friends and neighbors. Ask your doctor to recommend literature about your cancer, this is usually available to some extent in the doctor's office. While you may feel overwhelmed after the diagnosis, it is important to know what to expect. One thing that can be important is to talk with someone who has or had your same type of cancer. Jonny Imerman is a cancer survivor and has founded Imerman Angels an organization that matches people who have cancer with mentors for free. You can contact this organization at Mr. Imerman recently gave the following three things for those who have been diagnosed to know:

  • "There is someone out there who has survived the exact same cancer you have." Remember, whatever the details of your diagnosis may be, there's always hope.
  • "Give yourself grace for the first two months." After the shock and confusion you may be feeling wears off, you'll settle into a routine. You'll know what to expect from treatment. You'll get to know your medical team. It won't always be as scary as it may feel today.
  • "After treatment, your life will be different." Be ready for changes in your outlook, goals and priorities. Take the time you need to slowly build yourself back up physically, mentally and socially. And try not to make any big life-changing decisions right after you finish treatment.
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