Friday, February 28, 2025

#2 Healthiest Fruit - POMEGRANATES

 Continuing with the list of scientifically rated healthiest fruits. Number one, blueberries, was probably expected by most readers. However, number two, Pomegranates, is probably a surprise. I know it was for me. Following is a quote from the Healthy Guide I picked up recently in my oncologist's office.

"Pomegranate's sweet tasting, crunchy seeds, known as "arils," boast major immune-supporting properties. A single cup of arils fulfills 20 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin C and 17 percent of your requirement for folate, a B vitamin that plays a critical role in red blood cell formation, growth, and development. Because pomegranates are full of nutrients and antioxidant compounds, eating their arils and drinking their juice is believed to improve athletic performance, heart health, and brain function, among other things."

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