Sunday, January 31, 2021


Dark leafy greens deliver concentrated doses of nutrients known by studies to dial down inflammation. These dark leafy greens can help with inflammation because they contain good doses of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. You can enhance the absorption of these vitamins by cooking with a little healthy fat like olive oil. We are talking about kale, collard greens, and spinach as the top green leafy veggies.

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Saturday, January 30, 2021


When eating to dial down inflammation, be sure to include lots of plant-based foods like beans, nuts, and other whole foods. Whole foods help prevent inflammation due to their high fiber and antioxidants. Nuts also have healthy fats. Research shows nuts and beans are the top sources of anti-inflammatory nutrients. Dr. Rakel uses the following phrase to remember the order of protein sources from best to worse, "Roots, Fins, Two Legs, Four Legs:" Roots (beans, nuts), fins (fish), two legs (poultry), four legs (beef and processed meats).

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Friday, January 29, 2021


What type of oil do you use in your kitchen and/or how many different types do you have in your pantry right now? That should be very limited and if you are fighting inflammation in your body, and who isn't, your choice of oil should be olive. And let this sink in, the reason is the fat in olive oil! I often hear people say, "Olive oil? That has too much fat in it." It cannot be said often enough that there are good fats and bad fats. Your body must have fats to operate properly. Olive oil is one of the very best fats. It is rich in oleic acid which is a healthy fat that calms inflammation. In fact, some studies have shown its compound oleocanthal compares to ibuprofen. If you are relying on ibuprofen to help  you get through the day, try using more olive oil in your daily diet. It is better for you than all that ibuprofen. It doesn't take a lot and you can find many ways to add more olive oil to your diet daily. Last night I had drops of two flavored olive oils, lime and pear, on my salad and it was delicious.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


I shudder every time I hear someone say they are going on some expensive diet. That is so silly and usually a waste of money. You don't need to be on some fad diet or buying into a diet program. If you want to be healthy and/or lose weight, all you have to do is change your eating habits and develop a healthier lifestyle. Would you believe that studies show one out of three women and one out of four men, at any given time, are on some diet. And guess what? Yes, it is true that within one year two-thirds of those dieters will regain the weight they lost and almost 100% regain the weight in five years. Don't allow yourself to get caught in the fad diet trap. Change your eating habits and that is not as hard to do as you may think. There are dozens of posts on this blog to assist you. And once you lose a little weight and start to feel better you will actually enjoy getting some exercise. Simple walking is a great exercise. You don't have to join a gym or buy expensive equipment to be healthy. Why not make up your mind right now to get started making those changes.

Monday, January 25, 2021


If you are one of the many chocoholics out there, I have good news for you. If you are always looking for any excuse to eat chocolate here is a good one for you. Dark chocolate (always eat dark chocolate) assists in the production of serotonin and can help ease you into sleep. But only a bite of dark chocolate, not a bag or bar! This is not an excuse to gorge on chocolate.

1 section only!

Sunday, January 17, 2021


I was surprised when I ran across this information about pepper. I like pepper and have always used it liberally and I guess that is a good thing. Perhaps it is why I am a 35+-year breast cancer survivor and have also survived colon cancer, who knows? Here are a couple of the surprising things I discovered about black pepper:

  • Black pepper is a digestion aid. Black pepper stimulates the taste buds to signal the stomach to produce hydrocholoric acid. Hydrocholoric acid aids in digestion.
  • Black pepper is antibacterial. No explanation needed there, we all know what antibacterial means.
  • The outer layer of peppercorns contains piperine. Piperine is an alkoloid that increases the body's ability to assimilate cancer-fighting nutrients including beta-carotene, curcumin, and selenium. The National Cancer Institute says piperine also may have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties.