Thursday, June 30, 2022


If you are guilty of stocking your pantry with sugary breakfast cereals, break the habit!  Whether for yourself or your family, it is much better for your/your family's health to buy plain whole-grain cereals and top them with fresh fruit and/or berries.  A whole-grain cereal topped with sliced banana and strawberries, as example, is a much healthier way to start the day. And don't fall into the trap of allowing your kids to eat sugary cereals for dinner. It might be handy but it will be setting your children up for obesity and perhaps diabetes later in life.

 Not a brand endorsement.
Used as an example of a whole-grain cereal without added sugar.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Just because something is labeled 'organic' does not necessarily mean it is healthy.  Don't confuse the two!  Marketing is at the heart of all packaging.  Organic is popular right now, so food manufacturer's/producers are taking advantage of the word.  You will find organic cookies, candy bars, etc. All that means is that the ingredients were grown without pesticides.  Sugar is still sugar, trans fat is still trans-fat, etc.  Remember the old saying, "Buyer beware." Read the nutritional label.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


One of the main reasons for buying organic fruits and vegetables is the presence of pesticides sometimes found in conventional foods.  Some studies show that the presence of pesticides in fruits and vegetables may be linked to health problems.  If you can't afford or don't have good access to organic foods, that is not necessarily a bad thing.  The good news is that a thorough washing of fresh fruits and vegetables with water (no soap, please) will remove almost all pesticides.  The main thing is to make sure you wash all fresh fruits and veggies.

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Monday, June 27, 2022


It seems soy protein has a lasting beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys of persons diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  In a study published in the journal Diabetes Care, patients who ate soy protein showed significantly lower levels of fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides.  The study also found that C-reactive protein levels, which signal inflammation in the body, were lowered along with other indicators of kidney disease.

If you aren't currently eating soy protein, you need to add it to your diet!  Don't know what to include?  Try tofu, soy milk, soy burgers, edamame, etc.

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Sunday, June 26, 2022



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This sounds simple but sometimes we need reminders about simple things!  Where you place items you should avoid or eat a minimum of, is key!  A study by Cornell University a few years ago was done by placing two dishes of Hershey's Kisses in a busy office.  One dish was clear and was placed on a busy desk.  One dish was a darker color and was placed on a credenza 6 feet from the desk.  More candy was taken from the clear dish where the candy was easier to see and to reach.  Not an earth shattering finding but a good reminder to keep foods we shouldn't have out of sight and reach!  At home, keep fruits and vegetables in easy reach and sight rather than cookies and candy!  At the office set out some healthier snacks such as nuts, low sugar candy, etc.

Saturday, June 25, 2022


There are so many types of oils on our grocers' shelves it can be confusing as to what is the best one to use everyday.  Omega-3 Fatty Acids (that fatty acid that supposedly makes fish so healthy) is found in some oils and totally missing in some.  To me it only makes sense to use an oil that has omega-3s since they have been proven excellent for our health time and time again.  To help you sort through the confusion, here are the facts about omega-3 fatty acids in the most common oils; peanut, safflower regular, sesame, and sunflower regular have 0.  Flaxseed oil has the highest concentration of omega-3 fatty acids by a large margin.  It is, however, harder to find and is not carried in a lot of grocery stores but is available in health food stores.  Of the common oils on the grocery store shelves, canola oil has the most fatty acids.  It also has the least amount of saturated fats.


Friday, June 24, 2022


The human body needs water more than anything else, except oxygen. At as little as a 2% loss of water, our bodies become fatigued. As little as a 10% loss can cause serious problems and a week without water can be fatal. Check out the following facts and you will understand why water is so important:

  • Water makes up 83% of our blood.
  • Water composes 75% of our brain.
  • Water accounts for 22% of our bones.
  • Water makes up 75% of our muscles.
The average adult needs around 1 1/2 to 2 quarts of water a day. If you are large, very active, or if you drink a lot of caffeine products which act as mild 
diuretics, you will need more.

Thursday, June 23, 2022


If you have heard the term GI applied to foods but don't know what it is, here is a simple answer.  GI is a ranking of foods based on their overall effect on blood glucose (sugar) levels.  Foods that the body absorbs slowly have a low GI index (ranking).  Likewise, foods that the body absorbs quickly have a high GI index.  This is important to know, especially for diabetics.  Eating slowly absorbed carbs can help even out blood sugar levels.  In other words, different carbs effect blood glucose differently.  Example: Pasta has a different GI than rice even though both are carbs.  Would you believe potatoes boiled in their skin have a different GI than mashed potatoes?  Following are a few GI examples.

These foods have a low GI of 0 to 55:
rolled oats
multigrain bread
These foods have a medium GI of 56 to 69:
pita bread
baked potatoes
mangoes (the fruit)
These foods have a high GI of 70+
mashed potatoes
French bread

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Studies by the National Weight Control Registry following 5,000 people found that of those who lost weight and kept it off, 78% eat breakfast every day.  We all know breakfast is important, especially for diabetics and others.  Need a little more motivation to eat a healthy breakfast every day?  It may help you to lose weight and keep it off!  What more motivation would you need?  Once again, we see that starving oneself is not the way to lose weight.
Picture courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens Feb 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2022


  • Brown rice has almost three times the fiber as does white rice.
  • In general, the darker the produce, the higher the nutrient value. 

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Friday, June 17, 2022


Ever since I was a child and my dad bought us bags of mixed nuts, I have always enjoyed the Brazil nuts.  But frankly, I never really thought about them except during the Christmas holidays.  Now that I have discovered some of the great benefits we derive from these nuts, I plan to think about them and thus eat them a lot more often!

Brazil nuts have anti-inflammatory properties and anyone who follows this blog knows how I stress the importance of getting enough anti-inflammatory foods into our diets.  These nuts contain a large amount of selenium, which is known to help our bodies fight colon and prostate cancers.  The American Cancer Society also notes that Brazil nuts also contain the antioxidant quercetin that may trigger cell death in certain cancer cells.

Add Brazil nuts to your list of cancer fighting foods you consume on a regular basis.

Thursday, June 16, 2022


If you are torn between buying conventional fruit and vegetables or organic, you need to know that organic and conventional have almost the exact calories, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.  Often there is a little more vitamin C and flavonoids (those powerful antioxidants) in organic.  There are other factors to consider such as pesticide use, etc. but for the basic values of the foods, they are almost identical.

Thursday, June 9, 2022


Unfortunately, stress is a natural part of life. Every day we are faced with obligations, responsibilities, and pressures. The body's response to these daily strains is increased blood pressure, heart rate, respirations, metabolism and blood flow to muscles. In other words, STRESS. While this is a natural response, when prolonged it can threaten our health. For the sake of our health, we must learn to manage these daily stresses. Following are some tips to help you control the stress in your life:

  • Be Realistic. You cannot do everything or be everywhere so learn to say, "No". Learn to prioritize, do the most important things and don't worry about the others.
  • Do one thing at a time. Make a list if necessary, starting with the most important things for that day, week, etc. Work your way down the list one item at a time.
  • Exercise a few minutes every day. You don't need expensive exercise equipment or a gym membership. Take a walk, work in the yard, do housework, push the kids on the swing, etc. Exercise is good for the mind and body.
  • Get a hobby. Find something you like to do and take the time to do it.
  • Share your feelings. Having a bad day? Have a friend or loved one you can call. Communication is important. Stay in touch with your family and friends. Never allow yourself to become isolated.
  • If you need to see a professional, don't be embarrassed to do so. Taking care of yourself is important.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


 If you follow my blogs, you know I do not recommend dieting, except when the doctor puts you on a certain diet for a particular ailment. Just eat healthy and watch your portions, that's it! If you don't have the willpower to do that, shame on you. It's your health at stake.

I believe in following these three basic rules:

  1. Eat a wide variety of plant-based foods.
  2. Limit portions to reasonable amounts. A serving of meat should not be over 4-ounces and a serving of vegetables is usually 1/2 cup. Don't upsize your fast-food meal!
  3. Balance what you eat with physical activity. Simple walking is a great exercise.
Use your common sense! In today's society we tend to go to the excess on most things. We know most restaurant meals are actually enough for two meals. Order a to-go box and take out half the meal before you even start eating. You will have enough for a meal tomorrow. Let's face it, those huge bagels and oversized muffins should be 2 servings. Eat either the top or bottom of the bagel and save the other for another meal. Cut those huge muffins in half and share with a friend or save half for another meal. 

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Tuesday, June 7, 2022


More info on the health benefits of certain spices. Spices have been around for centuries and have been known to have medicinal value all along. Following are some examples:

  • Cumin - has antispasmodic and antiflatulence properties.
  • Curry - is mainly cumin therefore having the same properties as above. Curry is a great spice to use when cutting back on salt. It helps unlock the subtle flavor in foods, therefore reducing the need for salt.
You can get more in-depth details on these spices by looking them up on the internet, if you are interested.

Not a brand recommendation. Used for reference only.

Monday, June 6, 2022


When you feel that sneeze coming on, you should just go ahead and sneeze. There is a reason for that sneeze, and you should not try to stop it. Having said that, we all know there are times when it's just not socially acceptable to let out a big sneeze. If you find yourself in that situation and feel you just can't sneeze right now, there is a procedure you should follow. You should seal your lips and lightly pinch you nose while still sneezing. This procedure should lessen the sneeze, but you must be cautious. Do not pinch your nose too tight or you may create enormous pressure in your nose and throat that can force infection into your sinus tissues and ears through your eustachian tubes.

Note: While you should let that sneeze go and not try to stop it, it is important that you cover your mouth and nose or sneeze into your shoulder so as not to spread germs to everyone around you.

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Friday, June 3, 2022




You may think heart attacks and cancer are diseases that have been around forever, but they are not. The first heart attack was described in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1908. Both of these diseases were unheard of before 1905. Could it be our diet and sedentary lifestyle play a role?

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Thursday, June 2, 2022


Did you know that climbing the stairs burns more calories per minute than does jogging?  The next time you have a choice between taking the stairs or using the elevator, it just makes more sense to take the stairs. As a society, we have become lazy, and it shows in our weight and health. If you live in a two-story house, consider all those trips upstairs as part of your exercise routine.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2022


In our busy society we often go to the doctor, get a prescription and never ask questions about the new medication. When your doctor gives you a prescription, be wise and ask questions. If you forget to ask the doctor, ask your pharmacist as he or she should be able to answer your questions. Below are a few questions you might need answers to: 

  • The name of the medication and is there a generic that will work just as well.
  • How, when and for how long should you take it?
  • What to do if you miss a dose?
  • Will your sleep, appetite or energy be affected?
  • Should certain things, such as sun, certain foods, alcohol, caffeine, etc, be avoided?
  • Will it interact with any other meds or supplements you are taking?
generic photo for reference