Wednesday, January 9, 2019


This is a quote from Dr. Mehmet Oz, Professor of surgery at Columbia University Medical Center, NYC and Medical Director of the Integrative Medicine Program at NY-Presbyterian Hospital but better known as TV's Doctor Oz:  "When you walk into a grocery store, you are walking into a pharmacy, and the power of those foods is as powerful as medications."

Based on my own experiences with multiple health situations, I believe that statement is 100% true!  The old saying, "You are what you eat," is so true!  Think about the doctors statement every time you go grocery shopping.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Eating the typical American diet, means consuming approximately 35 teaspoons of added sugar per day!  How much is that?  Find out for yourself, you will no doubt be surprised.  Get a bowl and a measuring teaspoon (a teaspoon from your measuring spoons, not one from the silverware tray!) and count out 35 teaspoons of sugar into said bowl.  Then remember that is added sugar, not the natural sugar you are also consuming from the fruits, vegetables, milk, etc in your diet.  How to avoid this extra 132 pounds of sugar for every man, woman, and child?  Read labels!  And remember added sugars can be disguised with words like corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, honey, fructose, malt syrup, molasses, etc.  Cut back on the amount of processed foods you eat and read the labels before you buy any food products.