Thursday, September 23, 2021


Are you on a low-carb diet or avoiding carbs in your everyday meals? Do you have trouble zipping your jeans because of belly bloat? If so you might be surprised to know that your low-carb dieting may be the culprit and here's the reason why. The National Institute of Digestive Diseases says you need carbs to keep your system operating properly. They state that one of the key symptoms of belly bloat is constipation and constipation is a common side effect of a low-carb diet. In one of their studies 68% of the participants on a low-carb diet complained of constipation. Compare that to 30% for the general non-dieting population and 35% for dieters who ate more carbs. Many blame their belly bloat on eating carbs and therefore may be causing their problem by skipping necessary carbs.

Did you know that carbs can actually shrink fat cells, especially in the belly. They can also boost fat burning and curb cravings. Over the next few days I will talk more about carbs, good carbs and bad carbs and how each can effect your body. You might be surprised!

Note: File Photo
PS - How many whole grains do you see here????

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