Whenever possible, you should eat whole foods, not processed foods. This means to eat a food as near as possible in its original state. In other words, eat an apple rather than an apple pastry. Eat fresh or frozen peas rather than buying a can that is loaded down with salt and other preservatives. The closer a food is to its natural state, the healthier it is for your body. If you live where you can, you should buy your foods daily or several times a week rather than once or twice a month. If that is not possible or you catch a good sale on something, go ahead and buy extra and freeze it for later.
Helping you know how to use foods as medicines. You can help your body to heal and stay healthy by the foods you eat!However, with any medical condition, always consult with a physician before any changes in routine, diet or medication.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Monday, November 29, 2021
We owe thanks to Dr. Cooper for awakening awareness in all of us to not only exercise but how our diet can help or hinder our overall health. He continued on to say, "From the beginning, we emphasized aerobics and nutrition. The two go hand in hand. Not that it's always easy to eat right or to change ingrained habits - our busy lives put our nutrition at risk. We grab food on the run without thinking about what we are putting into our bodies. When we do try to eat better, we are often confused about what we should eat." Dr. Cooper's last statement there is why I started this blog. My goal is to help us all, yes - me as well as you, - learn to use food to help our bodies be healthy working machines.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Now that flu season is upon us, here is something you may not have thought off when it comes to flu prevention. Studies have shown that around 30% of all kitchen sponges tested positive for the flu virus! Just imagine what else may be lurking there! If you use a kitchen sponge, be sure to disinfect it daily! Or do as I do and get rid of kitchen sponges altogether. Several years ago I decided to throw away my kitchen sponges. I use heavy-duty paper towels or dish cloths. One use with the paper towels and into the trash! Dish clothes go into the washer with hot water and a small amount of bleach. Don't let yourself or your family get sick over something so simple.