Yes, they are! Are you aware that a waist larger than 40 inches in men or 35 inches in women actually doubles the risk of dying of a heart attack or stroke? Dr. Elizabeth Klodas, a cardiologist in Minneapolis, stated, "Abdominal fat changes the way our bodies work in profound ways." Abdominal fat is different than the fat that just collects under the skin. Excess abdominal fat sits deeper and hugs organs, produces hormones and other substances that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and dementia. Dr. Klodas continues by saying, "This type of fat accumulation is a health emergency." The experts suggest a good start on de-jellying the belly is to avoid empty calories from sodas, sports drinks, and beer. I'm sure you have heard the term, "beer belly." Guess what; research shows that beer lovers' nightly drinking really does cause a big unhealthy belly.
- Digestive problems can and do cause a large waist. As most of my readers know, I have had serious digestive problems for many years. This in itself is need for medical treatment! I have often had a large middle that is hard as a rock. That is not fat but should be under the care of a good gastroenterologist. I have actually had major bowel surgery and woke up with thick bandages and still my waist was smaller than when I went in for surgery. Digestive problems are another matter from the above but definitely need medical attention.
- The above article mentions empty calories. There are extensive articles on this site regarding empty calories and active calories. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to read these articles and be sure you are eating active calories everyday if not every meal!