Wednesday, June 26, 2024


If you suffer from any type of digestive issues, you are undoubtedly familiar with some or perhaps all of the following: gas, bloating, swollen belly, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, constipation and pain. Some people have mild symptoms while others have symptoms so severe they isolate themselves socially and often suffer depression. Help is available often through medications and one can almost always help themselves through their diet. Since the 1990s ongoing research has suggested that FODMAPs could be the culprit. FODMAPS, certain short-chain carbs, are more fully described in my post yesterday. There is also a picture with that post of some low FODMAP and some high FODMAP foods. Unfortunately, FODMAPs are found in many of the foods we eat on a daily basis. My next post will offer ways to help sufferers ease their symptoms. In the meantime, below is a listing of low to high FODMAP sugars and sweeteners.

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