It is important to remember that no one single food, foods of one type, or the exclusion of a single food or food type should be considered unless specified by your doctor. It is important to eat a well-rounded diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, meats, fish, etc. Do not go on a diet that removes all of a food type or requires eating only a certain food type without having a thorough discussion with your doctor. This goes for whether you are considering this for health purposes or dieting for weight control. Our bodies are complicated and they need different things from different foods and food groups to function properly over time!
Helping you know how to use foods as medicines. You can help your body to heal and stay healthy by the foods you eat!However, with any medical condition, always consult with a physician before any changes in routine, diet or medication.
Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
However, the pleasure and peace from such occasions will be null and void if the process creates more stress. Try these simple ways to get family meals going in your home:
- Be realistic. You cannot expect to put a gourmet caliber meal on the table in a matter of minutes. It is the togetherness that counts, not the quality of the meal.
- Order in food, if necessary. Conversation and togetherness can be accomplished over a delivered pizza or Chinese takeout.
- Make soups, lasagna, casseroles, etc when you can and refrigerate or freeze for warming up later.
- Get a slow cooker or crockpot. You can have some really good foods ready when you come home after a hectic day.
- While home cooking is usually best for one's health, get together at a relaxing restaurant for a family meal from time to time.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Agave nectar actually has a lower-glycemic index (sugar content) than many other sweeteners. That makes it excellent for anyone worried about controlling their blood sugar levels. It can be especially helpful for people who are on chemotherapy who are worried about their blood sugar levels. Also helpful as a sweetener for anyone receiving steroids that affect their blood sugar. Agave nectar also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Monday, December 27, 2021
Smokers should eat their green leafy vegetables. As was mentioned earlier on this blog, these vegetables contain the compound folic acid known as folate. Studies have shown that smokers who took fairly high doses of folic acid had much less lung cell damage than those who didn't. Don't wait for the damage to be done. Make green leafy vegetables a part of your everyday diet!
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Thursday, December 23, 2021
It has been said that the greening of the diet may be much more important to survival than the greening of the planet! Green vegetables are packed with a variety of compounds, ie carotenoids, cholrophyll, glutathione, folic acid, vitamin C, etc that are known to protect our cells from a whole list of damages. So be sure you include green vegetables in your diet daily. That doesn't mean you have to sit down and eat a bowl of greens everyday. Toss some greens into soups, stir-frys, etc. And a few salads a week is a good idea.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Oranges and Cholesterol
Monday, December 20, 2021
NOTE: This is general information and may not work in specific situations. First and foremost, follow your doctor's advice. But do your best to stay nourished properly!
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Many nutritionists and experts on nutrition and health suggest grating carrots. They say that when carrots are grated or shredded our bodies are able to get the most therapeutic benefits. Grating or shredding the carrots breaks down cell walls which enables the body to absorb more beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is the compound in carrots that is believed to help protect against cancer and some of the effects of aging.
3 cups grated carrots
1 cup canned, crushed pineapple in its own juice (no added sugar)
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 cup chopped walnuts (a very healthy nut)
Mix the ingredients together in a bowl. No dressing needed as the pineapple juice works as a dressing. Let your imagination go wild with the combinations you can come up with.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
You will increase your daily fiber intake by eating more whole fruit and less fruit juice, green vegetables instead of or with french fries, legumes daily which is not hard as they can be included in salads, soups, etc. You do not have to eat a bowl of beans everyday! And change out the white bread in your home for whole-grain breads. If you need to make the change gently, start first with white whole wheat bread. It is whole grain that is made from white wheat instead of the bleached red wheat (wheat used in regular white bread).
You don't have to make a lot of big changes at once. Make gradual changes and see how easy it is.
Friday, December 17, 2021
The following is a quote from The Food Pharmacy Guide to Good Eating: "Food is definitely a drug. Every time you put food in your mouth you experience hidden pharmacological and biological reactions. Indeed, it can be a wonder drug."
Thursday, December 16, 2021
- Bell peppers, red and green
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Strawberries
- Spinach
- Oranges
- Cabbage
- Grapefruit
- Cantaloupe
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Many times people say, "I could never eat enough of that to do me any good." But that is not the way to look at it. You must realize you can't do it all in one setting, one day, or one week. It requires a change in diet on a regular basis. You can't eat asparagus once and think that will help. You need to eat the foods at least once a week and once daily in some instances. It is not a matter of how much but how often!
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Asparagus is a great natural anti-inflammatory. Since inflammation in the body is known to contribute to many illnesses and is thought by the medical community to contribute to the proliferation of cancer, asparagus should be on all our list of foods we eat! This is one of the vegetables we need to get our children to start eating as young as possible.
If you don't like asparagus, think of it as preventative medicine and learn to like it. If you suffer from any of the above mentioned cancers, it is imperative to add asparagus to your diet!
Sunday, December 12, 2021
There are natural ways to help prevent that embarrassing problem of constipation. Digestive tract and stomach problems are very pervasive but no one wants to talk about them. So here is a little free advice. You can help to keep your digestive system working by getting enough fiber and magnesium. We all know that fiber adds bulk that makes it easier to eliminate waste. But did you realize the magnesium is Mother Nature's muscle relaxant which tends to keep things moving along and it also tends to attract water which hydrates the stool. According to Dr. Gerald E. Mullin, associate professor of medicine at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, getting enough fiber and magnesium in the diet can prevent constipation in most people. However, if constipation becomes a serious issue, you should always check with your doctor. There could be a more serious problem involved. Dr. Mullin suggests including these foods rich if fiber and magnesium to your diet on a regular basis: spinach, squash, broccoli, basil, and almonds.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
The compound allicin, found in onions and garlic, is what accounts for their pungent smell. It also provides a cancer-protecting punch and is believed to inhibit the growth of tumors. It appears to be especially effective in fighting colon cancer. Allicin is a strong antibacterial and antiviral compound and it appears in research to keep carcinogens from affecting healthy colon cells. Be sure to include these two foods in your diet and include them often if you have a family history of colon cancer or have had it yourself!
Friday, December 10, 2021
Has your health practitioner ever told you to eat some yogurt when you are taking antibiotics? If so, that is the reason why. While the antibiotics kill the bad bacteria, they often kill the good bacteria, too. If taking your meds causes you to suffer with diarrhea, you need some probiotics. Grab some cartons of yogurt when you purchase your antibiotics.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
True tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis evergreen plant commonly known as the tea bush. The tea bush grows mainly in tropical and sub-tropical climates. This plant or tree prefers acidic soil and requires an annual rainfall of at least fifty inches. Camellia Sinensis plants can grow into trees but are usually kept cropped to about waist height to make cultivation easier. Only the leaves from the top 1-2 inches are picked. Many of the top-quality teas, such as darjeeling, are picked from plants grown at elevations of about 5,000 feet. This causes the plants to grow slower thus acquiring a better flavor.
There are four basic types of true tea common to us today. They are black, green, white and oolong. Each is unique but they all come from the same source. The difference occurs in the processing. Briefly, here is a description of each type and what makes it unique. Green tea leaves are unwilted and unoxidized. White tea leaves are wilted and unoxidized. Oolong tea leaves are wilted, bruised and partially oxidized. Black tea leaves are crushed and fully oxidized. Because of the oxidation process, white and green teas have a higher concentration of the antioxidant catechins.
Proper preparation also differs for each of the tea types. For black tea, boiling water should be used. Many of the active substances in black tea won't develop at lower temperatures. This is the most common mistake made when brewing black tea! For optimum results, black tea should be brewed about 4 minutes and never longer than 5 minutes. Longer brewing will cause the tea to taste bitter.
Green tea should be brewed at a lower temperature, approximately 180-185 degrees which is below the boiling point. Hotter water will burn the green tea leaves causing a bitter taste. When brewing green tea, it is best to pre-warm the mug or teapot you will brew in. This will keep the tea from cooling immediately before it is fully steeped.
Oolong tea should be brewed at about the boiling point in a pre-warmed mug or pot. For oolong tea, it is best to use spring water. The minerals in the water tend to bring out more of the flavor in the tea. High-quality oolong tea leaves can be brewed several times. It actually improves with reuse. Many believe the third brewing actually produces the best tea.
To keep your teas fresh and flavorful, store them in a dry, dark, cool place inside an airtight container.
The health properties of tea are constantly in debate. Many believe drinking tea will help to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. One thing we know for sure is that tea contains both antioxidant and amino acid properties. It also doesn't add to our daily carb, protein or fat and calorie count when drank in it's natural state without adding sugar, milk, etc. And it tastes good. If you aren't currently a tea drinker, become one. It sure won't hurt you and it just might be healthy for you. Note that tea is not recommended for someone who is dehydrated.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Coffee contains antioxidants and magnesium which can help improve your body's response to insulin. Studies show that drinking 6 cups a day may reduce the risk of getting diabetes by 30%. But drink that black, leave out the cream and sugar. Six cups is a lot, so drink decaffinated. Don't want six cups (that's cups, not mugs!), even a moderate amount should be helpful. So if you are at risk for diabetes, have a cup of Joe.
Monday, December 6, 2021
Vegetables such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, etc, which are high in vitamins A & C are another great source of antioxidants. Studies have shown that just 1 serving a day of such vegetables is associated with a 50% reduction in cancer risk.
Are you feeling down or depressed? It is a known fact that depression increases in the winter time. So if the darker dreary days or Fall and Winter 'get to you,' increase your intake of complex carbs. Eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Yes, these are carbohydrate foods but they are the complex (or good) carbs. These carbs boost your serotonin levels. Serotonin is a mood-elevating chemical in the brain. By the way, these are good foods you should be eating anyway.
Friday, December 3, 2021
According to an article in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association Journal, a serving of dark chocolate once or twice weekly led to a 32% reduction of heart failure risk for women. Remember though, a serving is only about 1 ounce. And that is dark chocolate, not milk chocolate or what is known as white chocolate which both have too much fat and sugar! So when you want to indulge in chocolate, be sure it is dark chocolate and keep that indulgence down to an ounce or two a week.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
We hear so much about carbs, especially if you are diabetic, but do you really know what a carb is?
A carbohydrate, along with protein and fat, is one of the 3 macronutrients supplying our bodies with the calories they need to function. That's right; our bodies must have calories to function properly. Simply put, carbohydrate foods are the sugars and starches. So fruits, vegetables, grains, potatoes, etc are carb foods. Many foods, milk for example, contain all 3 of the macronutrients of carbs, fat, and protein.
Diabetics are told to watch their carbs and to avoid refined carbs because when you eat foods high in poor quality carbs, such as refined sugar, bleached white flour, etc, they can raise your blood sugar rapidly and your insulin to higher than normal levels. Over time, excessive sugar in the blood can be damaging to the body leading to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Pictured below are some of the healthy carbs.
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Would you believe researchers at a West Virginia university a few years ago said the scent of mint is an appetite suppressant? In their research they found that people who chewed a piece of minty gum or applied a mint-scented lotion when they had an urge to snack throughout the day, consumed around 3,000 calories less per week. So if you are struggling with weight or urges to snack, why not try this. What have you got to lose? Up to 3,000 calories a week is almost a pound of weight loss a week!
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Whenever possible, you should eat whole foods, not processed foods. This means to eat a food as near as possible in its original state. In other words, eat an apple rather than an apple pastry. Eat fresh or frozen peas rather than buying a can that is loaded down with salt and other preservatives. The closer a food is to its natural state, the healthier it is for your body. If you live where you can, you should buy your foods daily or several times a week rather than once or twice a month. If that is not possible or you catch a good sale on something, go ahead and buy extra and freeze it for later.
Monday, November 29, 2021
We owe thanks to Dr. Cooper for awakening awareness in all of us to not only exercise but how our diet can help or hinder our overall health. He continued on to say, "From the beginning, we emphasized aerobics and nutrition. The two go hand in hand. Not that it's always easy to eat right or to change ingrained habits - our busy lives put our nutrition at risk. We grab food on the run without thinking about what we are putting into our bodies. When we do try to eat better, we are often confused about what we should eat." Dr. Cooper's last statement there is why I started this blog. My goal is to help us all, yes - me as well as you, - learn to use food to help our bodies be healthy working machines.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Now that flu season is upon us, here is something you may not have thought off when it comes to flu prevention. Studies have shown that around 30% of all kitchen sponges tested positive for the flu virus! Just imagine what else may be lurking there! If you use a kitchen sponge, be sure to disinfect it daily! Or do as I do and get rid of kitchen sponges altogether. Several years ago I decided to throw away my kitchen sponges. I use heavy-duty paper towels or dish cloths. One use with the paper towels and into the trash! Dish clothes go into the washer with hot water and a small amount of bleach. Don't let yourself or your family get sick over something so simple.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Over the past twenty-some years, well over 100 tests have been done on Splenda to confirm it's safety. I often see, especially on facebook, Splenda lumped in with other sweeteners and how harmful they are. Splenda is actually in a category by itself as it is the only sweetener actually made from sugar*. This is why it does not have the aftertaste most sweeteners do. Splenda is the brand name for the nonnutritive sweetener sucralose. Over the years my doctors have told me to use only sucralose or stevia products (I am a diabetic). I only use stevia products in drinks, etc. I never cook or bake with them as I find they taste bitter at high temperature. I have used Splenda for almost 15 years. During that time my liver function has returned to normal, it was bad before, and all my blood work which is done every 3 to 6 months is always normal. So do not be frightened by the scary stuff you see on facebook or other social media. There are exceptions to everything so I am sure there is someone out there that has an allergy or something to it but overall it is a very safe product for me. I am not trying to convert you to Splenda, you use the product you like that works well for you. I am simply stating, do not believe things you see on social media but know nothing about.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
This product is made from a natural blend of soybean, palm fruit, fish, flaxseed, canola, and olive oils. There is a small amount of omega-3 fats which are heart-healthy fats.
Works well as a topping, and also for cooking and baking.
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Avocados have the highest quantity of the carotenoid lutein of any fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness, and cataracts. If you aren't currently including avocados in your diet, it would be a good idea to do so.