Wednesday, March 26, 2025


As any migraine sufferer can tell you, a migraine is more than just a headache. Anyone who's never had one wouldn't understand how awful one can be. According to Dr. Lawrence C. Newman, director of the Division of Headache at NYU Langone Health in NYC and chair of the American Migraine Foundation, "A migraine is a valid neurologic condition and can last anywhere from a few hours to three days." Dr. Newman suggests that because the migraine brain is so sensitive to change that sufferers should try to establish regular sleep cycles and avoid sleeping in on weekends. They should sleep the same number of hours each day. If you have a severe headache, it should be checked out by a physician as it may be a migraine or other serious condition.

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Saturday, March 22, 2025


I'm a chef and a teacher who believes everyone has the ability to nourish themselves, even in the direst of circumstances." by Rebecca Katz who has a master's in nutrition and is a chef who works with oncologists, nutritionists, and cancer wellness professionals.

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Friday, March 21, 2025


On those hot sultry days, what you eat can help to cool you down. According to those who practice ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, they say watermelon, cucumber, summer squash, fennel, coconut and cilantro are the foods to go to. The picture below gives you more ideas.


Americans spend a fortune on "diets" every year and usually end up being unhappy with the results, gaining weight, giving up, etc. If you follow my blogs you know I am against diets. Even diabetics do not have a specific diet, everyone reacts differently to various foods. And what frustrates me even more is people who have success and get upset with others who do not follow their diet plan. Please, folks, no two bodies are alike and there is no "perfect diet" for everyone!

In some of my recent studies I came across this statement by Lyn-Genet Recitas, a health author, and I think it is worth sharing: "Traditional diets--the diets that you're used to, like no carb, unlimited protein, low fat, or calorie counting-- don't work because there is no universal one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to weight loss. These diets are promoting what they think are healthy foods, but that's a major problem because there's no such thing as universally "healthy" foods, especially for those over the age of thirty-five."

Eat what works for you! Remember you are you, not your friend, etc. Watch the quantity you eat and follow your doctor's instructions. Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, and you should do fine without some "fad" diet.

Thursday, March 20, 2025


This is a repeat of a 2021 post on my grandmaskitchenmedicine page.

I love to eat out, but I restrict it to no more than once a week. When you cook at home the nutrition experts tell us you will consume fewer calories, carbs, sugar, fats and sodium. Plus, you will know exactly what went into your foods. I don't imagine you knew that McDonald's fries contain 19 ingredients! Can you even imagine that! Talk about not knowing what you are eating! Normally I do not post recipes on this blog because I have other blogs that are just recipes. But after telling you about McDonald's fries, I feel I owe you a recipe to make tasty healthy oven fries at home.

Oven Fries:
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.
Cut 3 large red potatoes into 8 wedges each.
Combine 2 teaspoons olive oil and 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper in a bowl. I like to use one with a lid. Add the potato wedges and toss to coat.
Spread potatoes in a single layer in a shallow roasting pan or on a cookie sheet with sides.
Roast at 450 degrees 30 to 35 minutes or until crisp. Turn once during roasting.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Fruit juices can pose a real problem for diabetics as it can take several fruits to make a glass of juice. Therefore, the sugar is more concentrated than in a piece of fruit. There are so many fruit "drinks" on the market today and many of them packaged and promoted as healthy. That may be true for the average body, but it may be a hazard to the diabetic. Here is a little information to help you work through the "juices" you see advertised and on store shelves.

By law, manufacturers of juices may not use the word "juice" unless the drink is made from 100% fruit! If other things are added such as sugar, corn syrup, etc the product cannot be labeled as juice but as a "drink" or "concentrate". It doesn't matter how healthy the drink is promoted to be or how popular it is, diabetics especially should stay away from such products.

Diabetics should always go with 100% juice and limit themselves to only 4-ounces.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 According to the late Dr. George Blackburn, former Professor of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School,  "Drinking generous amounts of water is overwhelmingly the number one way to reduce appetite". He recommended sipping 3 to 4 ounces of water at a time throughout the day.

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Monday, March 17, 2025


According to, eating at least two servings of avocado each week was linked to a 16% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and a 21% reduced risk of coronary heart disease. I must admit I do not meet that guideline. I love avocado so I should do better. How about you? Were you surprised by this information, is avocado a part of your diet on a regular basis? If not, join me in doing better.

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Sunday, March 16, 2025


We all do it - snacking! The question is, are we really hungry when we reach for a snack. The answer is sometimes yes, but more often, no. Before you reach for your next snack, ask yourself the following question. Am I really hungry? Think about that for a couple seconds and you will often find the answer is, no. Sometimes we snack out of boredom. If boredom is the reason you are reaching for a snack, go for a walk, call a friend, watch a movie, etc. instead of eating. Sometimes we snack when we are really just thirsty. Before grabbing an unhealthy snack, drink some water, have a cup of tea and see if your desire for a snack fades away. If you truly are hungry instead of grabbing an unhealthy snack, try some fresh veggies, a handful of nuts, a low-fat cheese stick, or a piece of fruit.

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Saturday, March 15, 2025


We have just spent the last fifteen days posting about healthy fruits. So, you may be wondering how much fruit you should have per day. According to the health guide I picked up in my oncologists' office, the answer is not a simple number. According to the American Heart Association and other health organizations, it is generally recommended that people try to have four servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables daily. Not sure what a serving is? A serving of fruit is considered to be 1 medium piece of fruit, about the size of the average adult fist, or 1/2 cup of sliced fruit. It is best to have fresh or frozen fruit than canned or dried variations. Usually canned or dried fruit is higher is sugar. If fruit is not a regular part of your diet, you should consider adding it right away.

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Friday, March 14, 2025


Today we come to the end of the list of the top fifteen healthiest fruits listed in a health guide journal I picked up in my oncologist office. The last on the list is pineapples. I was surprised pineapples were so low on the list. I have no idea why as I am not a fruit expert. Anyway, below is the quote from the journal.

"Low in calories, pineapples provide ample amounts of vitamin C, copper, manganese, and several other key nutrients. By eating a cup of the sliced fruit, you can meet 88 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. Pineapples also contain bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immune-supported properties."

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Thursday, March 13, 2025


Continuing on the list of healthiest fruits, we are now at number fourteen. Apricots, a fruit I have never enjoyed raw but love in jams, etc., is number 14. That's all I have to say about them so we will go to the quote from the health journal.

"Apricots may be small, but they are mighty. Loaded with important nutrients (vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium), they are also an excellent source of beta-carotene, a carotenoid that possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Research reveals that high blood levels of beta-carotene may confer some protection against health conditions such as colorectal cancer."

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Wednesday, March 12, 2025


 As we continue posts on the health journal's list of the fifteen healthiest fruits, we go tropical. Number thirteen is mangoes. Following is the quote from the health journal's article.

"These tropical fruits contain a variety of nutrients, but they're especially rich in vitamins A and C, which have cellular-protective properties and are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Eating mangoes may further help support digestion and bowel movements: A 2018 study found that daily consumption of 300 grams of mango significantly improved subjects; stool consistency and frequency and reduced intestinal inflammation in those with chronic constipation even better than a fiber supplement."

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 Today's post is about number 12 on the list of healthiest fruits and it is a favorite of many. Grapes are some of the most popular fruits of all ages. No more words are necessary from me so let's get to what the health journal has to say.

"Grapes are high in polyphenol compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, and resveratrol, all of which can help increase heart health and defend against cardiovascular disease. (It's thought that resveratrol may even help prevent skin aging and protect against age-related health conditions.) Grapes are full of nutrients vital to health, such as copper, vitamin K, and B vitamins."

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Monday, March 10, 2025


 Continuing on the healthiest fruits list from the health journal I picked up in my oncologist office, we are on number eleven today. Number eleven is probably one of the most popular, strawberries. Following is the direct quote from the health journal.

"Strawberries are beloved by both kids and adults, and with good reason. In addition to their luscious taste and versatility in the kitchen, they are incredibly nutritious, providing key vitamins and minerals such as folate and vitamin C that help to maintain your skin and heart health. Eating just one cup of strawberries fulfills your daily vitamin C requirements, which supports the production of collagen and boosts skin's elasticity, volume, and hydration. Studies show that consuming strawberries may also benefit cardiovascular health by improving blood vessel function and lowering heart disease risk factors."

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Saturday, March 8, 2025


Continuing the posts on the fifteen healthiest fruits we have reached number 10, blackberries. Blackberries are delicious in pies and cobblers, but they are also delicious by themselves, topping ice cream, puddings, etc. However you choose to use them, blackberries are an important part of our diets. Following is a quote from the health journal article.

"Sweet, juicy blackberries have some of the highest levels of antioxidants of any fruit. When they're not busy lowering inflammation in the body and protecting against cellular damage, they help lessen heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure and blood lipid levels. A 2021 review of studies on anthocyanins and the foods that contain them, such as blackberries, found that a high intake of flavonoids was linked to a steeply reduced risk for total heart disease incidence and a lower risks of total heart disease-related death.

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Friday, March 7, 2025


Continuing with the fifteen healthiest fruits, we have reached number 9, cherries. I have never thought I was big on fruits until I started these posts. As I write about each of these fruits, I find myself thinking, "That's one of my favorites" As I add cherries to my list of favorites, I am coming to realize I enjoy fruits much more than I realized. Having said that, I will quote the health journal on cherries, another one of my favorites.

"Cherries come in a wide variety of sweet and tart versions, and all of them are packed with health-protective substances. This stone fruit contains powerful polyphenols such as anthocyanins, catechin, and epicatechin, and it's known for its antioxidant properties, too. Because cherries are high in anti-inflammatory compounds, research suggests that consuming them may reduce your risk for several inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, heart disease, and certain cancers. Cherries are also a solid source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium."

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Thursday, March 6, 2025


Continuing the posts on the healthiest fruits, brings us to number 8, peaches, another one of my favorites. Without further chatter from me, here is the quote from the health journal I got from one of my doctors' offices.

"Though peaches are commonly consumed in pies and jams, it's best to enjoy them in their whole, raw form: Research shows that fresh peach peels and pulp have higher antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity than cooked peach products. (FYI: The peels have a greater concentration of minerals and polyphenol antioxidants than the pulp. In fact, some studies suggest that peels have up to 27-fold higher antioxidant activity than pulp.) Peaches are also a good source of nutrients such as vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, and fiber."

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Wednesday, March 5, 2025


As we continue looking at the healthiest fruits list, we come to number seven, grapefruits. For most people, you either love or hate grapefruits. However you feel about them, read the information below which is directly from the healthiest fruits list from a health journal I picked up in my oncologist office.

"Adding a cup of grapefruit segments to your breakfast will cover nearly 100 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin C, and support the health of your skin, heart, and immune system. Grapefruits are also rich in flavonoids such as naringin and naringenin, which may have anticancer properties."

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Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 Continuing our list of the healthiest fruits compiled by scientist and found in a health journal I picked up in my oncologist's office. I don't know if you consider avocado a fruit or a vegetable, but it is categorized as fruit. Without further ado from me, below is the quote from the health journal.

"Avocados are unique fruits that are high in heart-healthy fats and fiber and low in carbohydrates. Half an avocado provides nearly 7 grams of filling fiber and just 8.5 grams of carbs, making it a smart choice for those on low-carb diets. The fruit's monounsaturated fats have been shown to help promote healthy blood lipid levels, and they contain significand amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, and magnesium. Studies suggest that eating avocados supports blood sugar regulation, weight management, and heart health."

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Monday, March 3, 2025


 Does anyone else remember hearing, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."? That seemed to have been an important saying during my young years. Therefore, I was surprised to see apples at number five on this list. Following is the direct quote from the health guide I picked up in my oncologist office.

"These delectable fruits are high in soluble fiber, which promotes healthy blood lipid levels by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract and increasing excretion. A 2020 review found that consuming apples is an effective way to lower your blood pressure, reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels, and lessen inflammatory markers, all of which helps guard against cardiovascular disease. Eating one small-to-medium-sized apple a day (about 100 to 150 grams) can support heart health, the review's research said."

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Sunday, March 2, 2025


Continuing on with the healthiest fruits list, we have reached number four - raspberries. Raspberries are one of my favorites, so I am glad to see them high on the list.  Below is the quote from the Health Guide list I picked up in my oncologist's office.

"Raspberries are one of the best sources of fiber out there, containing 8 grams of the nutrient per cup, or a hefty portion of the recommended daily amount.  Adding them to your diet promotes healthy bowel movements, helps prevent constipation, and fuels the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. Their fiber also helps you feel full after eating, making it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. Raspberries have an abundance of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin K, along with disease-fighting antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds."

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Saturday, March 1, 2025


Continuing with the healthiest fruits, today is number three. I'm sure most aren't surprised that oranges are close to the top. You might even be surprised oranges aren't number one or two. I personally was surprised they weren't number two. As with the other two the past couple of days, the following is a direct quote from the healthiest fruits list. This list is from a health guide I picked up in my oncologist office.

" Oranges pack a punch when it comes to nutrition. Just one navel orange contains 82.7 milligrams of vitamin C, which meets most (or all) of your daily requirement for this nutrient. Vitamin C supports immune function, collagen synthesis, and iron absorption, and works as an antioxidant to help protect cells against damage that could potentially lead to disease. Research indicates that people who regularly consume citrus fruits like oranges lower their risk for a number of diseases, including colorectal cancer."

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Friday, February 28, 2025

#2 Healthiest Fruit - POMEGRANATES

 Continuing with the list of scientifically rated healthiest fruits. Number one, blueberries, was probably expected by most readers. However, number two, Pomegranates, is probably a surprise. I know it was for me. Following is a quote from the Healthy Guide I picked up recently in my oncologist's office.

"Pomegranate's sweet tasting, crunchy seeds, known as "arils," boast major immune-supporting properties. A single cup of arils fulfills 20 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin C and 17 percent of your requirement for folate, a B vitamin that plays a critical role in red blood cell formation, growth, and development. Because pomegranates are full of nutrients and antioxidant compounds, eating their arils and drinking their juice is believed to improve athletic performance, heart health, and brain function, among other things."

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Thursday, February 27, 2025


This is a follow up to yesterday's post about the healthiest-ranked fruits. Number one on this scientific ranking list is blueberries. The following is taken directly from the Health Guide article.

"Blueberries have long been considered one of the best fruits to consume (and not just because they're delicious): Decades of research show that feasting on them can significantly improve and protect your health. Eas=ting just one cup of blueberries per day is associated with a lower risk for several health conditions, including Type 2 diabetes, strokes, and heart disease. Blueberries are high in fiber, vitamin C and other key nutrients, and serve as a concentrated source of potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds."

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025


I recently picked up a health guide in my oncologist's office. While reading through it, I found an interesting article on fruits and our health. I think we all know that all fruit is nutritious, but some fruits are more abundant in vitamins, minerals, fiber and protective compounds than others. The following is a quote from the article, "Filling up on blueberries, oranges, apples, and similar snacks can bolster your immune system and benefit your health in other ways, reducing your risk for heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. Eating five servings of fruits and veggies a day is even linked to lower mortality rates, per a 2021 Harvard University study."

I plan to use the next few daily posts to go over the 15 healthiest fruits you can eat, ranked by scientists. Can you guess which is number one? You guessed correctly if you said blueberries! Tomorrow's post will go into more detail.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Dr. B.C. Wolverton, PhD who did research for NASA stated in his book, How to Grow Fresh Air, "The ability of houseplants to improve the quality of air we breathe is now accepted scientific fact". His research showed that houseplants filter out airborne pollutants like ammonia, formaldehyde, etc. What a nice way to filter the air and have a nice look at the same time. Some plants he found particularly good for purifying the air indoors and easy care are: Bamboo Palm, Rubber Plant, English Ivy, Corn Plant and many more. 

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Monday, February 24, 2025


Asthmatic conditions are aggravated by cold air. Asthmatics who have to be outside during cold weather, especially in the colder climates, should wear a scarf over the mouth and nose. This helps to warm the air before you breathe it.

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Sunday, February 23, 2025


We all know we should eat fruit every day. But certain foods can help with certain health problems. Here are just a few of the fruits and their healthy benefits.

  • PAPAYA: Contains enzymes that promote digestion.
  • PINEAPPLE: Contains enzymes that promote digestion and also acts aa an anti-inflammatory.
  • CHERRIES: The juice helps with pain in fingers and toes caused by gout. According to Dr. Earl Mindell, it works by lowering the body's uric acid content.
  • BANANAS: Combat the effects of diarrhea, calms discomfort caused by stomach acid and when eaten before bedtime, helps induce sleep.
  • Cranberries: Science has confirmed what women have known for years, yes, cranberry juice helps prevent urinary tract infections. Tannins in the juice prevent bacteria from attaching to the cells that line the urinary tract.
This is a partial list. You can look up your favorite fruits to find out what special benefits they contain.

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Saturday, February 22, 2025


Fiber is very important to our diet and there are many articles on this blog talking about that. So think about the following, if you aren't getting enough fiber.

To increase your fiber intake, eat the whole fruit. By the time fruit becomes juice, almost all the fiber has been removed.

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Friday, February 21, 2025


I love teas both hot and iced. If you enjoy tea and have occasional stomach distress, try some hot tea. Both peppermint and chamomile teas can work wonders on the stomach. To get the benefit from these teas, get the real deal. Teas with a peppermint flavor added are not really peppermint tea. When using tea for stomach distress, I suggest buying from your favorite health food store or grocer. Another important tip is to keep the tea covered. You don't want the vapor to evaporate as the volatile oils in the vapors are what make the tea work. Note: As with any health problem, if symptoms persist, contact your doctor.

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Fiber is important to the diabetic's diet. Fiber in foods helps to satisfy hunger thus making us full sooner, helps reduce the number of calories the body absorbs, and keeps blood sugar from skyrocketing after meals. Did you know beans are a great high-fiber food and should be eaten often by diabetics. I try to eat some daily, yes daily. Add them to soup, salads, tacos, etc. One cup of black or red beans provides 13 grams of fiber and 15 grams protein. Make beans an important part of your diet. Beans are also good sources of calcium and they contain magnesium, another diabetes fighter. 

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Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Yes, they are!  Are you aware that a waist larger than 40 inches in men or 35 inches in women actually doubles the risk of dying of a heart attack or stroke?  Dr. Elizabeth Klodas, a cardiologist in Minneapolis, stated, "Abdominal fat changes the way our bodies work in profound ways."  Abdominal fat is different than the fat that just collects under the skin.  Excess abdominal fat sits deeper and hugs organs, produces hormones and other substances that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and dementia.  Dr. Klodas continues by saying, "This type of fat accumulation is a health emergency."  The experts suggest a good start on de-jellying the belly is to avoid empty calories from sodas, sports drinks, and beer.  I'm sure you have heard the term, "beer belly."  Guess what; research shows that beer lovers' nightly drinking really does cause a big unhealthy belly.

Personal notes:
  1. Digestive problems can and do cause a large waist.  As most of my readers know, I have had serious digestive problems for many years.  This in itself is need for medical treatment!  I have often had a large middle that is hard as a rock.  That is not fat but should be under the care of a good gastroenterologist.  I have actually had major bowel surgery and woke up with thick bandages and still my waist was smaller than when I went in for surgery.  Digestive problems are another matter from the above but definitely need medical attention.
  2. The above article mentions empty calories.  There are extensive articles on this site regarding empty calories and active calories.  One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to read these articles and be sure you are eating active calories everyday if not every meal!
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Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Today's post is a quote from diabetic specialist Richard K. Bernstein, M.D.  Dr. Bernstein stated, "Just because you're diabetic doesn't mean you can't eat well.  In fact, you are likely to eat better than the average person who hustles a bagel or donut for breakfast, scrounges fast food for lunch, then does whatever for dinner."  I so agree with Dr. Bernstein!  In fact I titled my diabetic blog, "Diabetic Enjoying Food," because I do enjoy food.  I grew up in Southern Indiana farm country.  One thing I have always loved is good food.  Yes, I have had to make adjustments to my diet now that I am a diabetic but through much research I have found that I can eat healthy and it still tastes good.  In fact, often things taste even better prepared the way I do things now.  So if you are a newly diagnosed diabetic, take heart.  You have not been condemned to a lifetime of tasteless awful meals.  If you want some good recipes, please check out my above-mentioned blog at

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Monday, February 17, 2025


Yes, I know this post has nothing to do with the kitchen and/or food, but it is always timely advice. I lost a friend last year to skin cancer and have another friend who has been in a real battle for months fighting this deadly disease. The thing is skin cancer can so easily be prevented by taking precautions when in the sun. I have never had skin cancer, thank God, but I have survived both breast and colon cancers and currently have an incurable type of leukemia. I strongly encourage you to do everything you can to prevent cancer of any type.

According to researchers in Australia who followed more than 1,600 adults for over a decade, one could reduce the risk of getting melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, by 50% by using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 16 daily on the head, neck, arms, and hands.


Sunday, February 16, 2025


Hearing about meningitis in their child's school can be very frightening for parents. Here is some advice from doctors for parents in that situation.   Doctors warn you should go to the ER immediately if your child complains of a stiff neck, headache, and has a high fever.  While meningitis is rare it is very serious.  Most children today are vaccinated against the disease but while doctors used to think the vaccine lasted 10 years, they now believe it lasts only 5 years.  Dr. Sandra A. Fryhofer, past president of the American College of Physicians, stated that one minute you think you kid has the flu; the next she's comatose."  Dr. Ari Brown, a pediatrician in Austin, Texas added, "But if your child can look up at the ceiling, down at his toes, and isn't bothered by light, he probably does not have meningitis."  Dr. Fryhofer added that any child can get meningitis but high school and college students are most likely to get it as they share everything including drinks, kisses, clothes, etc.

It is a good idea to check shot records to be sure your child's vaccination is up-to-date and if they are in school or college, chances are it is.
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Saturday, February 15, 2025


This is a weight loss tip that is very easy. One of the easiest weight loss tips is to eat more vegetables! However, there is more to that tip. We are talking raw, steamed, lightly sauteed etc. Drenching in butter, frying in unhealthy oils, etc can ruin the process.

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Friday, February 14, 2025


Many people think that when dieting or going to a party or big dinner where they will want to eat more than usual, they should skip a meal.  This is so wrong.  Eat regular meals every day.  Skipping meals invites craving and binges.  When you skip a meal, you will be more hungry and less able to control your eating at special occasions.  Skipping meals can also cause drops and spikes in your blood sugar. You also need to eat regularly to keep your metabolism revved up and working properly.

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Thursday, February 13, 2025


Previously I posted a list of foods that are "negative calorie foods."  In other words, you use up more calories digesting these foods than they contain.  Remember this though, when you add fats, sugars, etc, you change the calorie count.  However, most of these foods are good without adding anything.  Here are some additions to the previous list:

  •  Bananas
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Cherries
  • Grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Melons
  • Oranges
  • Spinach
 Add these raw foods to your diet when you try to lose those holiday pounds. Bananas are an example.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Are you constantly watching how much you eat, always on a diet, and always hungry?  Well take heart, there are foods you can eat until you are full without gaining weight.  In fact, most vegetables, fruits, grains, etc fall into this category.  Now remember, we are talking foods eaten raw, steamed, or prepared without added fat, frying, etc.  The following is a partial list of what are known as negative calorie foods; foods that you can eat without adding calories and thus weight gain to your body.  In other words, your body uses up whatever calories it takes in just to digest these foods.
  • apples (not apple pie; raw apples!)
  • black beans
  • broccoli
  • carrots
  • celery
  • cucumbers
  • grapes
  • kidney beans
  • lettuce
  • oatmeal
  • whole-grain pasta
  • pineapple
  • brown rice
  • tomatoes
Again, this is a partial list but I'm sure you get the idea.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 As any migraine sufferer can tell you, a migraine is more than just a headache. Anyone who's never had one wouldn't understand how awful one can be. According to Dr. Lawrence C. Newman, director of the Division of Headache at NYU Langone Health in NYC and chair of the American Migraine Foundation, "A migraine is a valid neurologic condition and can last anywhere from a few hours to three days." Dr. Newman suggests that because the migraine brain is so sensitive to change that sufferers should try to establish regular sleep cycles and avoid sleeping in on weekends. They should sleep the same number of hours each day. If you have a severe headache, it should be checked out by a physician as it may be a migraine or other serious condition.

Monday, February 10, 2025


If you need to increase the potassium in your diet, you may want to eat more avocado. In addition to its' other benefits, most are surprised to learn that avocados have more potassium than bananas.

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Sunday, February 9, 2025


As a long-term survivor of this disease, I always strive to promote breast cancer awareness and any ideas that may be helpful to those who have the disease. I hope this information will be helpful for some of you.

Flaxseeds are possibly the best source in nature for lignans, a phytoestrogen that may help women who are dealing with estrogen-sensitive breast cancer by blocking receptor sites in the body.  If you are battling this type of cancer, it would no doubt be worth adding flaxseeds to your diet.

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Saturday, February 8, 2025


Read this once then read it again and let it really sink in

"If you build health, you get health. If you focus on sickness and disease, you get sickness and disease." Dr. Livingood

Where is your focus?


Thursday, February 6, 2025


Usually when one thinks about exercise or muscle function, they think protein. While protein is important, don't overlook the importance of green leafy vegetables! Dietary nitrates are found in almost all green leafy vegetables and a recent study has shown they play an important role in muscle function. This finding comes from a 12-year study reported in The Journal of Nutrition. To meet your nitrate needs it is believed that one should eat 1 cup of green leafy vegetables such as kale, arugula, spinach, etc a day. It is best to eat these greens raw, stir-fried or steamed to maintain their benefit. They will lose some of their nutritional value when boiled.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Bay Leaf have a soothing and relaxing effect on the digestive tract.  If you need relief from abdominal cramps and gas, eat foods cooked with bay leaf.  Fresh or dried bay leaves have a  distinctive flavor and fragrance this is used to flavor soups, stew, and braises. The flavor is similar to oregano and thyme.  The fresh leaves are very mild and do not develop their full flavor for some time after picking. 

Many of the properties in bay leaves may make them useful for treating high blood sugar, both bacterial and fungal infections, and gastric ulcers.  Bay leaf and berries properties have been used in astringents, digestives, diuretics, and stomach remedies.  Bay oil is used in liniments that are used for bruises and sprains.  Bay leaf has been used as an herbal remedy for headaches since it contains compounds which have proven useful in the treatment of migraines.  Bay leaf has also been shown to help the body process insulin more efficiently, which leads to lower blood sugar levels.  Bay leaf contains a property called eugenol which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  Bay leaf is considered an antifungal and antibacterial and has been used to treat rheumatism. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Yes, peas are a starchy vegetable, but they are a healthy vegetable as peas are a resistant starch*. All varieties of peas are good sources of fiber, vitamin C and a surprisingly amount of protein. Include peas in soups, salads, skillet meals, etc. You do not have to have them as the main dish to get the benefits. Even diabetics should include fresh or frozen peas in their diets.

English Peas
*If you aren't familiar with resistant starch there is information on this blog about them.

Monday, February 3, 2025


"Cancer patients who are well fed during treatment enhance their quality of life and improve their chances for recovery."  Keith I. Block, MD

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Saturday, February 1, 2025


If your child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) you are not alone. As of 2021, more than 18,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with T1D every year. The diagnosis can be frightening but with the help of a good pediatrician, an endocrinologist, and a dietitian, you will find a lot of help. A T1D diagnosis will affect the whole family but remember this, T1D does not define your child. With a positive attitude and a good medical team to work with, diabetes will only be a part of your child. There is no limit to what a T1D child can do. An additional side benefit for the whole family will be more exercise and a controlled diet that will benefit everyone.