Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Fruit juices can pose a real problem for diabetics as it can take several fruits to make a glass of juice. Therefore, the sugar is more concentrated than in a piece of fruit. There are so many fruit "drinks" on the market today and many of them packaged and promoted as healthy. That may be true for the average body, but it may be a hazard to the diabetic. Here is a little information to help you work through the "juices" you see advertised and on store shelves.

By law, manufacturers of juices may not use the word "juice" unless the drink is made from 100% fruit! If other things are added such as sugar, corn syrup, etc the product cannot be labeled as juice but as a "drink" or "concentrate". It doesn't matter how healthy the drink is promoted to be or how popular it is, diabetics especially should stay away from such products.

Diabetics should always go with 100% juice and limit themselves to only 4-ounces.
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