Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I have found so many studies showing that cinnamon is a blood sugar regulator.  And I have found it to be true in my own experience with diabetes.  I can enjoy cinnamon rolls right along with everyone else so long as they have lots of cinnamon.  We have a local gas/convenience store in town that serves delicious donuts, etc.  I was addicted to the cinnamon rolls and gave them up when I was diagnosed as a type-2 diabetic.  Once I got my sugar under control (it is now within the normal range), I started noticing those cinnamon rolls again.  One thing that stood out to me was how much cinnamon they had in them, much more than one usually sees in other cinnamon rolls.  I have found that I can have one of those rolls without it effecting my blood sugar so long as I keep the rest of my diet in check (no, I don't have it with a candy bar and coke!).  I am so excited!  Here is the information from another cinnamon study, this one done a few years ago by a Dr. Richard Anderson, an expert on the metabolism of sugar.

Dr. Anderson suspected certain foods might stimulate the activity of insulin and help the body process sugar more efficiently with less insulin.  But when he measured insulin activity in test tubes in the presence of many foods, he found that most foods had only a slight or no effect.  However, he did notice that 3 spices and 1 herb actually tripled insulin activity.  They were cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, and bay leaves, with cinnamon being the most powerful.  He concludes that eating as small an amount of cinnamon as just some sprinkled on your toast can boost insulin activity.  Dr. Anderson says there is pharmacological wisdom in using cinnamon and cloves in sweets like pumpkin pie, etc.

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