Helping you know how to use foods as medicines. You can help your body to heal and stay healthy by the foods you eat!However, with any medical condition, always consult with a physician before any changes in routine, diet or medication.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
A few years ago, when I had my annual extreme physical, they asked a lot of questions about my heart then did an echocardiogram. A little over an hour later, I received a call giving me a time for an appointment with my cardiologist. That got me noticing some things about diabetes and heart disease, such as the fact that if you are a diabetic you are 2 to 4 times more likely to die of heart disease than the nondiabetic. In fact 65% percent of diabetics who die, die from heart disease. Wow, I didn't know that. Too much glucose in the blood can damage the heart and blood vessels leading to heart disease and stroke. Since my dad (who was not a diabetic) died of a ruptured aorta and my mom (who was a diabetic) died after having a massive stroke, these facts got my attention.
Avoid foods high in trans fats, saturated fats, fat meats, sugar, and commercially baked goods.
You can have a lot of control over your disease by the way you eat. After all it is your life, you are protecting!
Monday, July 24, 2023
If you are a diabetic you have no doubt been told to avoid refined flours and sugars as they will raise your blood sugar levels. Here is a little information I came across on that subject. Thought this might be helpful to someone out there to know you don't have to take my word for it. This is from the professionals!
Jackie Mills, MS, RD, suggests looking at the whole meal instead of just individual ingredients. She suggests pairing carbohydrates with protein, fat, or fiber to help slow down the absorption process. If you follow my blog, you know this is something I always recommend. Sometimes it is not so much what you eat as how you combine the foods you eat.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
According to nutritionist Joy Bauer, doctors in England have discovered that protein stimulates cells in the brain that promote wakefulness. If you always seem to have midafternoon fatigue, think about what you are eating for lunch and/or snacks. Try adding more protein and see if that won't help you fight that dreaded afternoon fatigue. Too often we eat a carb-heavy lunch or afternoon snack and then wonder why we are fighting fatigue. Try adding some peanut butter, nuts, etc for more protein. Having a salad for lunch? Be sure to add a chopped boiled egg, bacon bits, sliced chicken breast, etc to give it that protein boost.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
The following information is mostly from Jill Weisenberger, M.S.,R.D., C.D.E.
- Fatty Fish - The real deal. This fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, rainbow trout, etc are loaded with heart-protecting Omega-3 fatty acids.
- Beans - The real deal. Studies have shown that eating at least 4 servings of beans a week will lower your risk of coronary heart disease by 22%!
- Nuts - The real deal. Eating 4 servings of nuts a week can lower your risk of coronary heart disease by 37%.
- Oatmeal - The real deal. Oatmeal is heart healthy and should be a part of your diet. But don't load it down with unhealthy add-ins.
- Granola and Cereal Bars - Good and/or Bad. You must read the label as not all granola and/or bars are healthy no matter how they are labeled. Many of these bars are loaded with sugar and unhealthy fats which are bad for the heart. Be aware of what the actual ingredients are in your bars.
- Turkey Hot Dogs and Sausages - Beware! Okay occasionally but these products are processed meats and are loaded with sodium which is bad for one's blood pressure thus the heart.
- Banana Chips - Bad. Don't confuse banana chips with a banana. While a banana is heart healthy and loaded with potassium which lowers blood pressure, chips are fried and therefore have added oils and sugars.
- Cholesterol-Free Stick Margarine - To be a solid, this margarine contains saturated and/or trans fats and both cause your liver to make more cholesterol which is not good for the heart.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Yes I know I am weird to a lot of you! Kale is one of my favorite foods and has been as long as I can remember. I remember going to the grocery store with my daddy as a child and grabbing kale in the produce section and slipping it into his cart. Little did I know then how good kale was for my body, I just knew I liked it and I still do. If kale isn't a part of your diet consider adding it. Some of the reasons you should eat kale are:
- Kale is high in nutrient density.
- Kale contains powerful phytonutrients like sulfurophane, kaempferol, and carotenoids that can help your body detox, turn on genes that promote longer life, and fight cancer.
- Kale boasts more than 100 percent of your daily needs of each vitamin A, C, and K, which serves as an important antioxidant to promote blood clotting, improve bone health, and protect the fat cells that comprise more than 60 percent of the brain.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
NOTE: This original post in five or six years old. Fad diets are a revolving process and have no doubt changed since this was written. What hasn't changed is the body's need for protein and how protein affects the body so I am reposting.
Here is what Lara Rondinelli, RD, LDN, CDE, had to say about the importance of protein, "Proteins function as building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood, as well as for hormones and vitamins. Protein is the structural component of all cells in the body. During digestion, proteins in food are broken down into amino acids, which the body uses in all those ways. Nine of the amino acids must be supplied by our diet (they're not made in the body); these are called essential amino acids. All nine essential amino acids are found together in animal products. Protein is important for people with diabetes for another reason: They don't raise blood glucose levels like carbohydrates do." She went on to say, "When people don't eat enough protein, it's easy to overeat carbs in an effort to feel satisfied."
The best thing you can do for your body is to eat a well-balanced diet with portion control daily. Beware that you are getting all the components you need. If you aren't, you probably won't notice it for awhile but eventually your body will cease to function properly.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
If you aren't currently eating flaxseed, you probably should be! There are other posts on this blog regarding flaxseed and its health benefits. As I added some to my oatmeal this morning, I thought it might be a good idea to put out another reminder to be sure you are adding it to yours. It is so simple to add some ground flaxseed to oatmeal, baked goods, smoothies, etc and it doesn't even affect the taste. Reminder, also among the many health benefits of flaxseeds are their omega 3 fatty acids that are heart-healthy, lignans that serve as antioxidants, and don't forget they are high fiber which is very helpful to maintaining a healthy digestive tract.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
If you would like to get your kids to eat more whole-grain breads but they don't like them, here are a couple of suggestions.
- Buy Whole-Grain White Bread. This bread is made from white wheat instead of red but it is still a whole grain.
- Do the squeeze test. Pinch the various options of whole-grain breads and pick the one that is the softest since kids prefer soft breads.
Monday, July 17, 2023
We know that fresh fruit is recommended for diabetics. But that does not apply to fruit juice! It is best for diabetics to avoid fruit juices, even those that are 100% juice. Fruit juice has concentrated amounts of the fruit's sugars and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Thirsty? Have a nice glass of water and keep those blood sugar levels down! If you use insulin and sometimes need a quick sugar fix, juice is great for that.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
I love chocolate. I could probably be considered a chocoholic and I make no apologies for that! So I was very happy when I saw this information out of the University of California, San Diego! They have found that those people who regularly enjoy chocolate weigh 5 to 7 pounds less than those who skip chocolate entirely. They don't know why yet and are planning further studies into that aspect. But hey, I am just happy with that little tidbit. So go ahead and have an ounce or so a day of dark chocolate if you wish. Remember that dark chocolate is rich in heart-healthy antioxidants!
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Studies have shown that persons who regularly eat or supplement with probiotics (the good bacteria found in yogurt) take only half as many sick days due to colds and viruses as their co-workers who do not! I think that makes a good case for eating a carton of yogurt a day. But be sure the carton has the words, contains live, active cultures on it. Carb Masters and Greek Yogurt have less sugar than regular yogurt.
Friday, July 14, 2023
To all of you who don't like to eat eggs or want to make a recipe vegan-friendly, you can substitute eggs with flax or chia seeds. To make an egg substitute, in a small coffee grinder or spice grinder whir flax or chia seeds until you have flax or chia seed meal. Then, for each egg you're replacing in a recipe, combine 1 tablespoon ground flax seed meal or 1 tablespoon ground chia seed meal and 3-4 tablespoons of warm water. By thickening and leavening, this easily substitutes eggs.
Thursday, July 13, 2023
For those of us who suffer from joint pain, soreness and stiffness, Summer can bring on some real challenges. According to The Journal of Rheumatology, not just my opinion, hot, humid days spur the swelling of joints and surrounding tissue. This increases the odds of soreness and stiffness by 140%! As many sufferers know, OTC medicines are not always helpful. Here are some "kitchen" remedies that are suggested. Dr. Melinda Jampolis says, "Turmeric, black pepper and ginger are the triad of pain-r relieving spices." When black pepper is combined with turmeric, it boosts the absorption of turmeric's curcumin by 2,000%! Indian research has shown that curcumin cuts joint pain by 70% in six weeks. Ginger is also known to relieve joint swelling and stiffness.
Also, a study in the United Kingdon found that bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, can cut joint pain. You might want to add some fresh pineapple and/or pineapple juice to your summer menus. Michelle Schoffro Cook, Ph.D. says bromelain breaks down protein-coated molecules responsible for pain.
This seems so simple yet so many still load the table down with food at every meal. You can actually cut your calorie count by about a third on average if you keep the serving dishes off the table and out of sight. When the food is in front of us we tend to keep eating. If the food is out of sight, most people will skip second (or more) helpings. This information is from researchers at Cornell University.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
In Margaret I. Cuomo, MD's book, A World Without Cancer: The Making of a New Cure and the Real Promise of Prevention, Dr. Cuomo lists the following foods as the best foods to stop cancer:
- Tomato Juice or Sauce (the antioxidants are more potent when the tomatoes are cooked)
- Berries, especially blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries
- Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Spinach, Romaine Lettuce, and other green leafy vegetables
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
According to a study in the Diabetes & Metabolism Journal suggests drinking two to three cups of green tea daily can cut diabetes risk by 33%. Potent polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea help balance blood sugar. In Japan they drink green tea with their meals. That's a good way to be sure you get the three cups in daily.
For many years there were reports that coffee caused pancreatic cancer and other maladies. But studies have proved coffee is not bad for you. In fact in 2010 or 2011 Harvard's Walter Willet said extensive studies have shown, "It's turned out to be remarkably safe. The evidence is very clear that coffee doesn't increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, and it probably reduces the risk of liver cancer." A 2007 Swedish study estimated that people who drank two cups of coffee a day had about a 30% lower risk of liver cancer than those who drank none. These tests did not include decaffeinated coffee so no results on that.
Those who drank either decaf or regular coffee also appeared to have less gout and heart disease. However, Willet also said, "Only caffeinated coffee may lower the risk of Parkinson's disease and gallstones. The mechanism is not clear, but the evidence is quite strong for Parkinson's."
Willett went on to say that bottom line, "Coffee has turned out to be a health-promoting beverage rather than a carcinogen."
Monday, July 10, 2023
In spite of the bad rap eggs got a few years ago, eggs are good for you. You can be perfectly healthy eating an egg a day. And consider this, eggs are one of the best sources of protein. They are packed of other nutrients as well including vitamin A, choline, and folate. So go ahead and enjoy some eggs. As with any other food, do not overindulge. No matter how good for you a food is, you can overindulge with any food.
Sunday, July 9, 2023
If you suffer from migraine headaches, have you ever tried sniffing peppermint oil? According to a study in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine, the scent peppermint works as well as lidocaine, a pain medicine, in taming the intensity and frequency of migraine pain. It is suggested that at the very first feeling of a migraine coming on, take a slow, deep whiff of pure peppermint oil. Many notice an improvement within five minutes. Apparently, mint's menthol relaxes the spasming scalp muscles while improving healing blood flow.
Having suffered many migraines over the years, I think this is definitely worth a try.
Are you feeling sluggish in the mornings? Try drinking a glass of cool/cold water in the morning. The coldness is invigorating and the water helps you start your day hydrated. My daughter who works in the medical field tells me we should start our day with a glass of water even before coffee. You don't have to drink a lot, an 8-oz glass will do. That is only 1 cup, so it is not hard to do.
Saturday, July 8, 2023
If you were to add 10 grams of fiber to your diet daily, you could reduce your visceral fat. This is important because visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat because it wraps around your body's organs. Getting said fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables is a good idea. Ideas: add an apple or pear to your breakfast, have fresh veggies with lunch, snack on fresh fruit and eat beans with dinner.

Friday, July 7, 2023
Yes, you should think red and blue to sharpen your mind. That is red for strawberries and blue for blueberries. In the April 2012 Nurses Health Study it was found that the more strawberries and blueberries participants ate the lower their rates of memory decline. What a tasty way to keep your mind sharp!
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Being a diabetic I always give a second glance to anything I see about diabetes. I was surprised to learn recently that probably the number one mistakes diabetics make in testing their blood sugar is where they test! I was surprised by the headline but as I continued reading, I realized this is probably true. Okay, a show of hands here, how many of you diabetics poke your fingertip or the pad of your finger when testing your blood sugar? Ouch, no wonder that hurts. You are poking the most sensitive part of your finger with a thin needle! Always poke your finger over to the side where it is not so sensitive and you won't be using that spot to touch things all day long. A simple tip but a mistake I didnt realize so many people make. And no wonder we make that mistake. That's how most doctors, nurses, etc show us to do it. I know I did that the first few months and soon learned the side of the finger is better. If you haven't learned this yet, give the side of your finger a try at your next testing! Here is an example of how so many do it the wrong way -Of course this is a personal preference thing so do whatever works best for you.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Can eating a bowl of soup a day help you to lose weight? According to Dr. Maoshing Ni, a Natural Health Specialist, it can. Dr. Ni notes that obesity is on the rise worldwide and that obesity leads to an increase in such diseases as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, all diseases to be avoided. He says that eating at least one bowl of nutritious low-sodium soup a day will nourish you and flush waste from your body. Note: The key here is nutritious low-sodium and I add low-fat soup! A huge bowl of a rich soup loaded with butter, cream, etc is not what we are talking about. And homemade soup is best as you can control the ingredients that go into it. The good thing about soup is that you can make a large pot of it, freeze some in separate containers and have it handy for when you want it. Not only is it healthy, it is easy.
Monday, July 3, 2023
Sunday, July 2, 2023
The information in this post comes from Dr. Reed Tuckson, the author of the book The Doctor in the Mirror.
- Fats provide fuel for the brain and the body.
- Fats help us feel satisfied.
- Fats allow us to absorb nutrients.
- 1/5 to 1/3 of your total daily calories should come from fat.
- Not all fats are good fats and it is important to know the difference. The three types of fats are Unsaturated, Saturated, and Trans Fats. Following is a brief description of each:
Saturday, July 1, 2023
Once again, another study touts the positive effects of eating nuts. A Harvard University study showing that a serving of approximately a handful of nuts a day helps ward off deaths from both cancer and heart disease. Ying Bao, an epidemiologist who led the study, stated, "People who ate a serving of nuts five or more times a week saw an 11% reduction in deaths due to cancer".