A recent article I came across from Diet and Nutrition (in part):
Helping you know how to use foods as medicines. You can help your body to heal and stay healthy by the foods you eat!However, with any medical condition, always consult with a physician before any changes in routine, diet or medication.
A recent article I came across from Diet and Nutrition (in part):
Researchers at the University of Warwick in England conducted a multi-study analysis and found that persons sleeping less than 5 to 6 hours a night were 28% more likely to develop diabetes than persons who slept 6 to 8 hours a night. And yes, in this case, you can catch up on sleep on the weekend. Another study found that persons who added more sleep hours on the weekend found their insulin sensitivity was improved. Get your zzzzzzs!
There is always confusion about whether or not diabetics can eat bananas. Personally, I eat them often and cook/bake with them all the time and I never have a blood sugar problem from them (yes, I am diabetic). I do, however, eat them just barely ripe and I only eat a small to medium one. I make banana bread but add cinnamon and nuts, both blood sugar stabilizers. I also make banana pudding using Splenda and I use the just barely ripe bananas in it. Here are some facts from Amy Reeder, registered dietitian, about bananas.
Are you eating too much sugar? The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day for women and 9 teaspoons a day for men, but most Americans consume more like 22 teaspoons daily! You can get an idea how much you’re eating by taking the number of grams of sugar per serving in your food (back to reading those food labels) and dividing it by four — that’s how many teaspoons of added sugar are in each serving.
This is a message I received from an email a few years ago. I thought it was very interesting and simple to do. I am going to try it, why don't you try it, too?
Researchers at Vanderbilt University found it is possible to shed 2-inches from your waist by drinking a cup of grapefruit juice a day. In their study, those who enjoyed the sip before meals ate 600 fewer calories a day. The reason? Grapefruit juice is packed with healthy nutrients that boost satiety.
The downside is that grapefruit juice can cause problems with certain medications. If you have questions, speak with your doctor before drinking the juice daily.
People often overlook the % Daily Value when reading nutrition labels because they simply don't know how that computes to their entire day of eating. Here is a simple way to understand those numbers a little better:
What you choose to eat is important but just as important is knowing how much you eat. You regular readers know I am always saying to read the nutrition labels of everything you eat and serving size is one of the reasons why. It doesn't matter how many calories, fat, etc it says per serving if you don't look to see how many servings are in the bag, can, package, bottle, etc. If you pick up a bag of candy, for example, and you read the nutrition facts thinking, "Oh that's not too bad", you could be wrong. That information is listed per serving so if that bag contains 2 or 3 servings and you eat the whole bag, well you just ate 2 to 3 times what you think you did in calories, etc. With nuts, chips, etc, the serving size is often counted per nut, chip, etc. Pay attention to your serving sizes and eat accordingly.
A study published in Thorax analyzed 50,000 children from around the world over a 10-year period and found that eating three or more burgers a week could boost a child's risk of having asthma. The risk was prevented or greatly lowered when the children were fed a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and fish. Those foods are low in saturated fats and are packed with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties.
Here's a list of some reasons it is important to have fiber in our diets. If you have any of these problems perhaps you should increase your fiber intake. Nutrition labels on food products list the fiber quantity.
I am sometimes asked, "Just what is fiber?" The answer is very simple. Fiber is the part of plant foods that the body does not digest. Adults should eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. You will find fiber grams listed on the nutrition label of foods under Total Carbohydrate. Total Carbohydrates includes fiber, sugar, and starches but fiber will be separated out in the count.
Again, I am using the Cracker Jack nutrition label because it provides such vivid examples.
If you want to cut back on shortening or butter in pie crust, use an equal amount of coconut oil. Coconut oil is the only oil that gets to a part of the brain which has a lot to do with Alzheimer's. It also contains medium-chain fatty acids which are metabolism-revving.
You can reduce the fat in brownies by 50% with a simple substitution. Replace half the butter or oil called for in the recipe with an equal amount of pureed prunes or prune baby food. Not only will this reduce the fat, but it will also add heart-healthy potassium.
I personally like to substitute unsweetened applesauce to many of my baked goods.
If you aren't familiar with farro, it is an Italian grain. You can substitute it for rice or risotto in most any recipe. Farro has a high fiber content that regulates digestion thus warding off bloat and GI distress. It also promotes healthy gut bacteria and enhances the absorption of energizing, beautifying vitamins and minerals.
According to Jorge Cruise, author of The Belly Fat Cure, a diet low in sugar and simple carbs can help women lose as much as 4 to 9 pounds of belly fat a week. Do you swap a fast-food burger for a veggie burger? If so, beware. Did you know some, not all, veggie burgers are pumped full of sugar to make the flavor more appealing? If sugar is added to the patty, most buns contain sugar and often the toppings are loaded with sugar, you might be getting a sugar load you weren't expecting. Read the nutritional label on veggie burgers you buy to prepare at home and check on the nutritional facts if you are choosing a restaurant veggie burger.
Dr Ronald L Moy, a past President of the Acadamy of Dermatology, and a famed Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, has advised trading pricey fever-blister creams for cortisone cream. He stated, "Cortisone cream eases discomfort while instantly reducing redness and swelling."
Protein is an important part of the diet.One of the main reasons is that protein helps to build and repair our body tissues. Be sure you are getting an adequate amount of protein in your diet. Following is a partial list of protein-rich foods:
I shudder every time I hear someone say they are going on some expensive diet. That is so silly and usually a waste of money. You don't need to be on some fad diet or buying into a diet program. If you want to be healthy and/or lose weight, all you have to do is change your eating habits and develop a healthier lifestyle. Would you believe that studies show one out of three women and one out of four men, at any given time, are on some diet. And guess what? Yes, it is true that within one year two-thirds of those dieters will regain the weight they lost and almost 100% regain the weight in five years. Don't allow yourself to get caught in the fad diet trap. Change your eating habits and that is not as hard to do as you may think. There are dozens of posts on this blog to assist you. And once you lose a little weight and start to feel better you will actually enjoy getting some exercise. Simple walking is a great exercise. You don't have to join a gym or buy expensive equipment to be healthy. Why not make up your mind right now to get started making those changes.
If you are one of the many chocoholics out there, I have good news for you. If you are always looking for any excuse to eat chocolate here is a good one for you. Dark chocolate (always eat dark chocolate) assists in the production of serotonin and can help ease you into sleep. But only a bite of dark chocolate, not a bag or bar! This is not an excuse to gorge on chocolate.
Other than the fact that a wound, etc can become inflamed, most of us don't really know much about inflammation. Inflammation, however, is a health hazard that contributes to every major chronic condition from heart disease to cancer to diabetes. There is "good" or acute inflammation where the white blood cells temporarily marshal to shield a cut, wound, etc. This inflammation is a protector so to speak. Then there is "Systemic" or chronic inflammation and that is not a good thing. With systemic inflammation, the white cells essentially move into tissues inappropriately and cause destruction. As a person with a wacky immune system, believe me I have my battles with inflammation. Since systemic inflammation can cause us so many aches, pains, and serious health problems, we will spend a few posts discussing it. One thing to remember is this quote from Christopher P. Cannon, M.D., a professor at Harvard Medical School and author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Anti-Inflammatory Diet; "Eating well is a really powerful tool against inflammation. An anti-inflammatory diet is actually not a terribly complicated diet." Start by cutting back on unhealthy things such as saturated fat, sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods. Then ramp up the healthy foods in your diet. Dr. Cannon says to start by adding more foods to your diet that help alleviate and prevent inflammation, such as foods high in omega-3s, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Note: I have spent a few days posting about inflammation and ways to help combat it. If you missed them, go back a few days and check them out.
According to Dr. Christopher P. Cannon a professor at Harvard Medical School, causes of inflammation include obesity, genetics, family history, lifestyle, and stress. He continues on to say, "The tricky thing with inflammation is that it sometimes has symptons, such as pain and lethargy, but often does not. You won't know you have inflammation until you get tested." Dr. Cannon says that people who are a little overweight, who have borderline high cholesterol, borderline high blood pressure - those are people who really need to be tested now. "If you find elevated markers at that point, you can really help ward off inflammation-rooted problems in the future with aggressive prevention (as we discussed in the previous two posts, that includes your diet!).