Sunday, January 16, 2022


One of the things I constantly tell people who ask me nutritional questions, is to quit buying white bread.  Yes, that is the plain old white bread so common on our grocers shelves and in our American kitchens!  I know, I know; "my kids won't eat other breads," "my husband insists on white bread," "other bread is too expensive," etc.  And I say, "Baloney!"  Your kids will eat what you give them. If there is none of that horrible white bread around, they will eat their sandwiches on healthy bread.  And guess what?  They will learn to like it.  When my granddaughter, who is seven, is at my house and asks for a sandwich, she gets so excited over having it on 'grandma's good bread.'  If your husband insists on that white stuff, tell him you won't do that to him.  If he wants to put that stuff in his body, he will have to go buy it.  That will get him to thinking about what he is putting in his body!  Yes, healthy breads do usually cost a little more.  But you are worth it!

Can you believe that they bleach white flour with chlorine gas?  The cholorine gas puts off a by-product called alloxan.  Alloxan destroys beta cells in the pancreas that are responsible for making insulin.  Hello, diabetics, is this starting to make sense to you?

As has been mentioned earlier on this blog, changes don't happen overnight.  Neither does damage, in most cases.  We slowly damage our bodies without even realizing it.  Now that you know about white bread, don't bring any more of it into your kitchen!

Note: There is a white whole-wheat bread and that is fine to use. I use it most of the time and do all my baking with white whole wheat flour. It is made with white wheat while the regular "bleached white flour" we are used to is made with bleached red wheat.

Note: I first wrote this article several years ago. The granddaughter mentioned above is 17 now and she still loves grandma's healthy bread.

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