Friday, October 7, 2022


Do not turn your nose up to Brussels Sprouts!  These tiny vegetables are an excellent source of Vitamin C, a good source of protein, folate, vitamin A, iron and potassium.  They also contain bioflavonoids and indoles which protect against cancer.  Try new recipes, experiment until you find a way you enjoy these healthy little vegetables.

You may wonder if something as simple as Brussels sprouts can really help protect you against cancer.  The answer is yes, especially breast, uterus, and prostate cancers.  Thus, both men and women need to have Brussels sprouts in their diets.  They have high amounts of bioflavonoids and indoles, plant chemicals that protect against cancer.  These natural chemicals help to prevent cell damage and mutation caused by unstable molecules released when your body burns oxygen.  They inhibit hormones that promote tumor growth.  The indoles are especially active against estrogen, a hormone that stimulates growth of some breast cancers!

Can Brussels Sprouts keep you from getting cancer?  Maybe not.  But why not give yourself that extra protection?  Even if cancer does or has developed, they may slow down tumor growth and the spread of the cancer.

Tip:  Frozen Brussel sprouts are fine, they retain almost all their nutrients. If you are buying fresh Brussel sprouts, buy the ones that are small, bright green, and have tightly packed leaves.  If they have yellow patches, they are aged and may have a bitter taste.  Do not overcook Brussels sprouts as that will destroy vitamin C and they will taste bitter.  Cook only until crisp tender. 

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