Friday, October 21, 2022


I know many of you are going, "WHAT?"  Just hang on and finish reading this post!  Often what I write about on this blog is from research I do for my own health.  A little background on me for those of you who don't already know.  I was born with severe allergies and a very rare blood.  Oh, my type is 0-Negative but there is something about my blood (I don't understand this enough to explain it) that puts it in an elite class worldwide.  I have had health problems all my life but with God's grace I have lived a normal life.  I have a list of health problems a mile long, so to speak.  Some of those are leukocytoclastic vasculitis, lupus, arthritis, fibromyalgia, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart problems, etc.  I have had breast and colon cancer.  I merely state this to let you know that if you are battling an illness, I understand.  And please remember when reading my posts, I have no medical training.  But research into my health has saved my life and that is what I share with you.  You will notice that any real medical advice I post also shows the medical resource so you can check it out on your own, if you so desire.

Back to my original couple of sentences here.  At my check-up a few years ago, I had a lot of blood work done.  When I met with the doctor to discuss results.  I was floored to discover I am extremely low on vitamin-D and B vitamins.  I am so low on vitamin-D that I have to take prescription pills for it for the next 2 months then have it checked again.  (The doctor told me over the counter pills would not help my situation, at this point.) Actually, I only have about a 5th of the needed amount.  And I have to have a vitamin-B shot monthly for a few months.  The doctor and I discussed this and as always, I came home and started my research.  No wonder the doctor asked if I eat beef!  I have recently wandered away from meat, I don't enjoy it. At the above-mentioned blood work my Vitamiin-D was almost nonexistent again.

Many stay away from beef thinking it is a bad thing.  Well, hello, think again.  According to the California Beef Council and some nutritionists with a large chain of health food type grocery stores, there are 29 cuts of beef that meet government guidelines for lean.  That is too many to list but here are some of the more popular ones; tenderloin, sirloin, and 95% lean ground beef.  These have less than 10 grams of total fat, less than 5 grams of saturated fat, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per a 3-oz (USDA recommended serving size of meat) serving. Here is an important part, beef has 8 times more vitamin B12, 6 times more zinc, and 2 1/2 times more iron than a skinless chicken breast.

This is just for your information, not a recommendation to change your diet.  I will be adding an additional meal or two of beef a week to my diet even though I don't particularly like meat.

And by the way, I wouldn't pay much attention to the politicians who want to do away with cows to save the environment. That is crazy.
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