Wednesday, December 21, 2022


Yes, really! Three or four years ago the BBC reported on a study of the most nutritious foods. Scientist analyzed 1,000 raw foods and rated their nutritional value. Pork fat ranked #8 in the list of the 100 most nutritious foods! That's ahead of salmon, tangerines, fresh spinach, etc. Each of the foods were given a nutritional score, the higher the score the more likely the food would be to meet our daily nutritional needs when eaten with other foods. The following is a list of the top 10 with the number following being the score that food earned:

  1. Almonds 97
  2. Cherimoya (a fruit) 96
  3. Ocean Perch 89
  4. Flatfish 88
  5. Chia Seeds 85
  6. Pumpkin Seeds 84
  7. Swiss Chard 78
  8. Pork Fat 73
  9. Beet Greens 70
  10. Snapper 69
The article continued to state that pork fat is a good source of vitamins and minerals and is more unsaturated than other meats such as beef and lamb.

So go ahead and enjoy that bacon and ham in moderation. Tell those trying to get you to have a salad instead that your salad needs to be loaded down with bacon! 

Remember, everything in moderation!

wikipedia photo

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