Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Arthritis is a painful disease and what you eat certainly cannot cure arthritis but it can make you feel better or worse! Leslie Bonci, R.D., the director of Sports Nutrition in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburg stated, "Food isn't a panacia, but some can make your joints healthier." She gives the following as her #1 food suggestion to arthritis sufferers to make their lives easier:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and/or other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Other high omega-3 foods include walnuts, soybeans, flaxseed, canola oil, and pumpkin seeds. Why these foods? Omega-3s decrease the production of chemicals that spread inflammation. They also inhibit enzymes that trigger inflammation." Another benefit of the fatty fish is that they help prevent swelling and soreness, according to Ms. Bonci.
If you have arthritis and you aren't currently including some of these food in your diet on a regular basis, you should start to do so. After all, what arthritis sufferer wouldn't love to feel better and perhaps be able to cut back on meds.
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Tuesday, January 30, 2024


If you love your bagels and eat them often you should be aware of just what you are eating. Bagels are quick, easy, and tasty but did you know that the average bagel, whether made with refined or whole-grain flour, averages 300 calories? And how many of us eat our bagels plain? Of course we don't! We like cream cheese, butter, jelly, etc on those bagels so we pile on even more calories. The average bagel slathered with cream cheese comes in at 500 calories!

If you love bagels, I'm not suggesting you give them up. But there are ways to lower those calorie counts. Eat a mini bagel or a thin bagel. If you still want the traditional bagel, scoop out some of the insides or make sure your bagel is whole-wheat. Yes, the calorie count on the white and whole-wheat are the same but the whole-wheat has fiber. Use a sugar-free jelly, fat-free cream cheese, etc. Don't fall into a high calorie count bagel trap!

Monday, January 29, 2024


On this blog I am constantly saying to get rid of refined grains and eat whole grains. Unless you have a special dietary problem and your doctor tells you differently, you should be eating whole-grains. So sometimes I am asked just what a whole grain is. A grain is considered a whole grain when it includes all three parts of the grain (refined grains are stripped of two of the parts and therefore a lot of the benefits of the grain). The three parts of the grain are:

  •  The germ - the innermost part of the grain. The germ's main role is to provide nourishment for the seed. For us it provides essential fatty acids, vitamin E, B vitamins and trace minerals. The germ portion of a grain is removed during refining.
  • The Bran - the "outer shell" of the grain. The Bran's main role is to protect the seed. For us it provides fiber, B vitamins, trace minerals, and phytonutrients. The bran is the other portion of the grain that is removed during refining.
  • The Endosperm - the main or biggest part of the grain. The endosperm supplies us with energy, complex carbohydrates, B vitamins and protein.
You will notice that the two parts of the grain lost during refining contain many health benefits.

When you see the words "whole grain" or the word "whole" before the name of the grain that lets you know the food is made from all three parts of the grain.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


Most of us love refined foods but they are not good for our health or weight. Basically, refined foods are the sugary packaged foods most pantries are stocked with so why should we purge our pantries of them? Refined foods are highly processed and during that process most of the nutrients and fiber are stripped from them. When you eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc that are packed with nutrients and antioxidants you will feel better, be healthier, and be better able to control your weight!


Saturday, January 27, 2024


Jennifer Hudson is an American Idol Alumni who has made it big in the business. However, while making it big on the music scene she has managed to lose a lot of weight. She offers the following advice regarding food yens or desires. "What people need to know is that if you don't eat what you want, then you'll just continue to eat, because you're not fulfilled. If you have a hankering that you can't shake, figure out a concoction that tastes like what you're craving. Like, if you eat cashews and an apple together, it tastes exactly like a caramel apple, I promise."

Friday, January 26, 2024


Beware of yogurt with fruit. If you are a diabetic or you are dieting or watching your sugar intake for any reason, read the labels on your yogurt especially yogurt with fruit. You would be much better off to eat plain yogurt and add your own fresh fruit. Some yogurts with fruit can have up to 20 grams of sugar in one small carton!

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Thursday, January 25, 2024


Did you know that one of the benefits of eating guacamole is that it helps to reduce the signs of skin aging? Top it with a little tomato-based salsa for wrinkle-reducing antioxidants. Now what a tasty way to be nice to your skin!

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Wednesday, January 24, 2024


As those of you who follow my blogs know, I do not eat chicken in any form. It is a mental thing with me that you don't want to know about! But many of my readers love chicken and I know many enjoy going to Buffalo Wild Wings. So here is a bit of info for those of you who enjoy that restaurant.  What would you think is lower in calories - a Buffalo Ranch Chicken Wrap or a platter of Buffalo Traditional Wings?

You can have 13 of the traditional wings for 1170 calories or the Buffalo Ranch Wrap for 1200 calories! Either way you go, you are almost getting a day's worth of calories at one setting! Note: the 1200 calories includes the chips and salsa.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Learn to say no to soda and quench your thirst with water or unsweetened teas. In November of 2011 researchers found that sweet sodas are especially risky for women (but not good for men either). A University of Oklahoma study of 4,166 women aged 45 and older found that those who drank two or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day were nearly 4 times as likely to develop high triglycerides as those who drank one or less. These women also had larger waist sizes and were more likely to develop impaired glucose levels. Yes, you will be healthier if you drink less sodas and more water and unsweetened drinks!


Monday, January 22, 2024


This post is about purple or red grapes. Green grapes are not a part of this post.

A British study found that a heaping cup of red or purple grapes could heighten your happiness in approximately 20 minutes. Having a 'down' day? Grab some grapes, eat a cup of them and see if your mood improves. The researchers say it is a compound called resveratrol which gives the grapes their dark color that gets the credit. This is the reason green grapes are not included. Resveratrol energizes the region of the brain known as the hippocampus that steadies moods and keeps the nervous system calm.

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Sunday, January 21, 2024


 We cannot help the genes we are born with. Whether good genes or bad genes, we are stuck with the ones our parents passed on to us. I have some bad genes in my blood stream when it comes to heart disease and many of you do, too. But it is possible to overcome some of those bad genes with our diets so that is good news. This information is from two large international studies where researchers looked at heart disease rates in people with gene variations on chromosome 9 which is know to significantly increase ones odds of heart disease. As expected they found that people with the variations had more heart disease. But here is the good news - That was only true if they ate a poor diet! Those who followed healthier diets had no more heart disease than the general population. Those healthier diets involved eating several servings a day of two out of the following categories; fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and berries. Now how hard is that to do? Pretty simple, right? The research showed that the most powerful food was fresh vegetables so be sure you have them in your diet daily.

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Saturday, January 20, 2024


 Have you ever considered melon as an appetizer? To be honest, I have not. However, I recently saw something that made me realize it could be a very good idea. Melons are over 90% water so enjoying some melon before a meal can help fight off hunger. Researchers at Penn State University found that people who consumed a water-rich appetizer before their meals ate 448 less calories than those who had a calorie-equivalent snack/appetizer without water. Now, how about that?

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We have posts on this blog about being a  "Junk Food Addict" and potato chips fall into the category of junk food. There are also several posts on this blog about "Couch Potato Calories" and potato chips fall into that category, too. Let's have a little post now about potato chips. We all know there are many different kinds and flavors of potato chips on the market today but for this post let's say we are just talking about the general potato chip (my favorite 😟).

  • 1-oz of potato chips has around 150 calories
  • 1-oz of potato chips has around 10 grams of fat and 3 of those are saturated (bad) fat.
  • The average potato chip is deep-fried and usually not in a healthy oil.
  • The average potato chip has too much salt.
  • If you eat just 1-ounce of potato chips a day, 3 times a week, within a year you will have consumed roughly 23,400 calories in potato chips. That translates to a 7-pound weight gain per year, just from chips. And really now, let's be honest here, are you going to eat only 1-ounce of chips 3 times a week? Most of us eat more than that at a time.
  • In addition to weight gain, the fat, salt, carbs, etc are just not conducive to good health!
So, what can you do to cut back on or totally eliminate these chips from your diet? Replace them with a healthier food!  Try rice cakes or popcorn cakes. Dry roasted edamame is also a good choice. Nuts are healthy if they are not coated in sugar, etc. But beware of the calorie count in the nuts you choose. And if you want to really go healthy, replace chips with fresh veggies such as carrot sticks, etc.

Friday, January 19, 2024


 I love soup any day of the year. In fact, I could probably live quite happily on soup alone. But one of my favorite times to enjoy a steaming bowl of soup is on a cold, dreary day.  There's nothing like a bowl of soup to warm you from the inside out. But soup is more than just a tasty way to warm up. Soup can actually ease cold symptoms such as congestion and a runny nose. Studies have proven that a hot bowl of soup can reduce inflammation and clear away mucous to ease the symptoms of upper respiratory infections. There's a reason soup is sometimes called "Grandma's penicillin".


Thursday, January 18, 2024


 This is a continuation of yesterday's post regarding junk food addiction.

So, you wonder how food could be like cocaine?  Think about this:

Think about these foods (and many others), stuffed crust pizza, double-fudge ice cream, French fries, over-sized pastries, etc and what makes them so enjoyable - sugar, fat, etc. These ingredients stoke the brain's reward center the way whole, fresh foods in their natural state do not.  Ashley Gearhardt, a food addiction researcher and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, has said, "These foods are engineered for you to crave and eat compulsively. Compared to, say, a piece of fruit, the sugar in jelly beans is more pure and potent, and it hits your system faster because there's no fiber and other ingredients to slow it down." Gearhardt continued by saying, "When you punch up the reward and speed (it's absorption by the body), it becomes so powerful it hijacks the (brain's) reward system.

A key driver of the reward system is the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is released in the brain when we experience something pleasurable such as food, sex, and drugs. Dopamine is a reward that makes the body want to do it again. But when the reward system gets pinged so repeatedly, it gets so overstimulated that it starts to automatically dial back the response. And thus begins the vicious cycle. When the body doesn't feel as big a reward, called tolerance, you consume greater amounts in search of the reward.

Be aware and don't allow your body to become addicted to junk food!
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Wednesday, January 17, 2024


A gallup poll in 2011 showed that Americans were 20% heavier than they were in 1991. I realize it is now 2024 but I wonder how much that number has changed in the past few years. The experts say that food addiction may be the biggest culprit in this increase! Research suggests that highly processed, calorie-dense treats may actually be both physically and psychologically addicting and may lead to some of the same changes in the brain as do heroin and cocaine! Paul Kenney, Ph.D., an associate professor of molecular therapeutics at Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Florida stated the following, "We tend to look at obesity as a lack of willpower - that if you'd just put down the cheeseburger and go for a run, you'd be fine." He continued by saying, "It is not that simple. There's a population of overweight people who have problems with highly palatable food, so called 'junk food,' the way others do with gambling or crack cocaine."

It is important to note that not every overweight person is a food addict nor are all food addicts overweight. Many food addicts control their weight with excessive exercise, purging, etc. Food addiction is not measured by body size but by behavior.

Dr. Kimberly Dennis, medical director for Timberline Knolls, a residential treatment center for eating disorders and addiction (in Illinois) said this, "Food addicts lose control when they eat because their brains react on a neurochemical level either to their relationship with food - habitually eating when something unpleasant happens - or substances in the food itself. It is very different from the sedentary person who just eats too many chips."

Tomorrow's post will deal with how food can be equal to crack cocaine.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Saw this article recently and thought it worth passing on. I love tea, both hot and iced. If you aren't currently drinking tea, maybe you should add a cup a day to your diet.

Drinking tea – black and green – may also have heart-healthy benefits.

“Tea in general seems to have cardiovascular benefits,” says Dr. Messerli, also a cardiologist and director of hypertension at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in Manhattan.

“The benefits of tea are probably due to its antioxidant properties,” he says. 

But not all teas are created equal. Herbal ones, such as chamomile, rosebud and elderberry, don’t have the same antioxidants. 

Plus, “when you add cream or milk, you may abolish the benefits,” Dr. Messerli says, “because it seems that the milk or the cream prevents the antioxidant substance from acting.”

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This is a repeat of an older post.

Monday, January 15, 2024


What a great idea anytime, but especially during cold and flu season. This will help keep from spreading germs everywhere. Such a simple solution to keep others safe from our germs. Attach an empty tissue box to a full box. After using a tissue, simply discard it in the empty box.

Sunday, January 14, 2024


If you have diabetes, you are at an increased risk for heart disease. But the good news is that once you start following a healthy diabetic diet, that same diet will lower your risk of heart disease. Once you start eating low carbs, lean protein, increase your intake of fresh fruits and veggies, etc, you will learn to control your blood sugar and lower your risk for heart disease at the same time.  Actually, if everyone followed the basics of a diabetic's diet we would be a healthier people!

Saturday, January 13, 2024


Are Americans eating too much fat? Or are we Americans simply eating the wrong fats? According to Chef Dr. John La Puma, the answer is that we are eating the wrong fats. We are eating too many bad trans fats that are in most packaged, processed foods and unfortunately the good essential fats are getting left out. We are not eating enough good fats such as Omega 3s. Dr. La Puma, author of Chef MD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine,  says "Omega 3s are anti-inflammatory and help protect the immune system, brain, heart, and arteries. The doctor has stated that Omega 3s can help lower high triglyceride levels in the blood, a silent risk for heart disease.

The American Heart Association has said the omega 3s can protect against irregular heart rhythms that can cause sudden death, slow the rate of arterial hardening, and help to reduce blood pressure. Those are some pretty important reasons to be sure you are getting the omega-3s you need!

Here are a couple of simple ways to increase the omega 3s in your diet; trade the chips in your diet for nuts and some of the steak for salmon.
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Friday, January 12, 2024


Did you realize that one of the best weight-loss tips is to add more veggies to your meals? Now we aren't talking mashed potatoes with gravy, greasy French fries, etc. We are talking about colorful healthy vegetables. The reason this will help you lose weight? According to Katherine Tallmadge, R.D., eating veggies actually makes you feel fuller causing you to eat less. One small easy tip to help you on your journey to losing weight and improving your health!

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Thursday, January 11, 2024


Fiber is especially important to a diabetic's diet. We should have fiber, along with Vitamin D, Calcium, and Omega-3s at every meal. (These guidelines for these 4 particular fat-fighters are a good idea for anyone, diabetic or not.) Here are a few examples of the fiber content of some common foods: 1 medium apple = about 3 grams, 1/2 cup fresh raspberries = 4 grams, 1 cup cooked fresh spinach = 4 grams, and 1/2 cup chickpeas = 6 gram.

Note: This is from my diabetic blog but it is good advice for anyone, not just diabetics.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


For all of you who weigh everyday, or two to three times a day while dieting or worrying about your weight, remember there are some things the scale can't tell you. Don't allow your mental health and feelings about yourself to be held hostage to the scale.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Most who suffer with rheumatoid arthritis will do almost anything to reduce their pain and discomfort. One important thing to remember is that excess weight puts more stress on already painful joints. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy can improve overall health and help one to lose weight. Losing weight can reduce the stress on those sore, swollen joints.


Monday, January 8, 2024


Did you know that halibut is considered an all-star fish? This particular fish is called an all-star fish because it is loaded with protein, B vitamins, minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and selenium. It also contains the healthy omega-3 fatty acids. If halibut isn't currently a part of your diet, you should consider adding it as another "healthy" food!

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Disclaimer: This is a "Do as I say, not as I do" post. I do not eat any seafood as I just can't stand to taste it. My bad!

Sunday, January 7, 2024


Let me start off by saying, "Diabetics Beware". Potatoes are high in starch which quickly turns into sugar in the body. If you choose to eat a baked potato, have it with a lean protein source rather than making it your whole meal.

Did you know that a small to medium simple baked potato seasoned only with a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of olive oil can supply you with heart-healthy potassium and magnesium, around 3 grams of fiber, and the important immune boosting B vitamins?
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Saturday, January 6, 2024


Would you believe 40% of parents surveyed said their children do not eat breakfast daily. Come on parents, making sure your children have a healthy breakfast everyday is very important! The experts seem to agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for adults and for children. Just the word breakfast gives us a clue as to why. The word simply means break the fast or tell your body it is time to go to work and refueling is an important part of that process. A balanced healthy breakfast helps to kick start your metabolism for the the day. Research also shows that eating breakfast can help with weight control in both children and adults. You don't have to spend an hour to serve a healthy breakfast. A balanced breakfast should include food from at least three groups. You can easily do that with cereal but make it a healthy whole-grain cereal that is not loaded down with sugar. Take your healthy cereal, add fresh fruit for sweetness, and use low-fat or fat-free milk. You have covered grains, fruit, and dairy in one quick simple meal. Another quick breakfast might be a slice of whole-grain toast spread with peanut butter and sliced fruit or low-sugar jelly or jam and a glass of milk. Just make sure you and your family are starting your day with a healthy breakfast!

Friday, January 5, 2024


Did you know you can lower your risk of heart disease by 4% and your risk of stroke by 6% just by replacing meat with extra veggies at least one day a week.  So why not pick a day of the week to go meatless? Even lowering the risk a small percent would be worth it!

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Thursday, January 4, 2024


If you follow this blog at all you will know I am constantly telling you to rid your pantry of white rice. This is especially important for diabetics but should apply to everyone.  If you are wondering why, here is your answer: White rice starts out as a whole grain of rice (yes, a healthy whole grain) but it is polished until just the endosperm is left. Basically, the endosperm is an easily digestible starch bomb and that is not healthy for your body. Studies have shown that eating white rice in large quantities or often can significantly raise blood glucose levels. This can cause weight gain and may lead to diabetes and the health problems it causes. No need to avoid rice in your diet, just give up the ultra polished white rice. You can switch to brown rice in your recipes and most will never notice the difference.

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Wednesday, January 3, 2024


According to scientists at the University of Chicago, you don't need to strengthen your willpower to cut down on calories. They say another hour or two of sleep could do the trick! Is that not the easiest way you ever heard of to lose weight?  These scientists found that people who increased sleep time from around 6 hours to over 7 hours consumed almost 400 less calories a day. The reason? The recommendation is 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly which regulates connections between areas of the brain that manage craving for high-fat foods. Snooze away and save calories!

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Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Most cooks know that sometimes your soups, gravies, stews, etc do not turn out as thick as they would like. Oats to the rescue. Not only are oats healthy, but they are also great for thickening without changing the flavor. Grind up 1 cup of dry oats and stir into the food that needs thickening, 1 spoonful at a time until you reach the desired consistency. The food is thickened, the taste doesn't change, and you are adding a healthy product to the meal.

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Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year

 Wishing you a new year filled with health and happiness.


Cold weather can often leave our bodies feeling achy, stiff and sore. How about some broccoli to help with that achy feeling? According to a study in the journal Antioxidants, 3/4 cup of broccoli daily can curb these types of pain flares by up to 64%. The help comes from the nutrients zeaxanthin and vitamin-K. both known to curb pain-triggering inflammation and fast-track healing of damaged muscles and joints. Who knew broccoli had that healing power?