Thursday, August 18, 2022


Cancer is a dreaded disease.  None of us want to hear our doctors tell us we have the disease.  I know the feeling having heard it twice!  This horrible disease is one in which we can help our bodies prevent and heal from with our diet.  That may sound simplistic, but it is true.  Don't misunderstand me.  I am not saying that if you have cancer, you made yourself sick.  Nor am I saying that if you follow a certain diet, you will never get cancer.  Cancer is more complicated than that.  But I am saying there are certain foods proven to have cancer-fighting compounds.  These are common foods, and they taste good.  Doesn't it make sense then to include them in our daily diets?  

Scientists have discovered that the pigments and other chemicals that give fruits and vegetables their bright colors are much of what contributes to their cancer-fighting properties.  Nutritionists have advised that we should eat three different colored vegetables daily.  For example, add a couple of tomato slices to your breakfast, carrot sticks to your lunch, and broccoli for dinner.  There you have it, three different colored vegetables over the course of the day.  They also suggest including 2 servings of fruit in your daily diet.

I don't know about you, but I believe that advice is well worth following.
This picture is only a small example of some of the known cancer-fighting foods.

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